Chaang Tribe

Episode 08
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Author:  Helen Glover [ Fri Jun 29, 2012 12:11:21 am ]
Post subject:  Episode 08

Being 0 for 2, what do you think it's going to take to turn it around and counter Seuua?

Have the dwindling numbers against an 8-strong Seuua caused you to reconsider your strategy potentially facing future TCs?

Have you considered potential strategies for facing a merge with Refuge at a minority to Seuua? How do you think you'd fare alongside the members of the opposing tribe?

Author:  Brenda [ Fri Jun 29, 2012 9:17:13 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Episode 08


The weekends are so quiet here.. icon_unsure

Helen Glover wrote:
Being 0 for 2, what do you think it's going to take to turn it around and counter Seuua?

Patience :P

It will come, we were well on our way to whupping them last time out had it not been a 'weakest link' challenge. With one of our numbers extremely weak :D Do we even want to win though? idek. I'd certainly like a look at an idol clue for a start.

But so long as one of Erinn/Sekou/Ian goes home next, I am Jury bound no matter what happens over here.

Helen Glover wrote:
Have the dwindling numbers against an 8-strong Seuua caused you to reconsider your strategy potentially facing future TCs?

Not at all. That plan outlined is specifically to ensure I am in prime position no matter if it's 5, 4, 3, or 2 who get out of this mess.

Now what has made me reconsider are two things. 1) I found out who Erinn is behind the character :o She is fucking scarily good at everything. Up till now I figured her heavily into my plans because I had her pegged as just a number of Cat's. idk anymore though. Right now the plan is still the same, but it's certainly niggling at me.

Thing #2 is how Cristina leaving went down. I expected there to be a lot of fallout, particularly from Sekou, when I pushed Cristina to leave last night instead of Ian. The way things turned out - not so much :D Sekou leaving next was partially because it would get rid of a pissed-off Sekou. Now again, I'm not so sure.

He did come to say he's gonna be missing Sunday/Monday challenges.. so that's not great.

I will ponder this heavily between now & tomorrow for sure.

Helen Glover wrote:
Have you considered potential strategies for facing a merge with Refuge at a minority to Seuua? How do you think you'd fare alongside the members of the opposing tribe?

Numbers ain't all they're cracked up to be. In fact I would rather a small solid unit than a big one with splits in. Did you not see me win the US v Aus game from just such a position? :D I still want them to lose at least once though, and have a divided vote. Hell a tie-vote or an idol play over there would be amazing. Then both sides come looking for little ol' us's help post merge.

I reckon I can gel with any of them. Yes even Corinne icon_horror

Author:  Carl Bilancione [ Fri Jun 29, 2012 10:19:07 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Episode 08

Does Sekou's absence make him an easy target should you lose?

Author:  Brenda [ Sat Jun 30, 2012 12:18:37 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Episode 08

He certainly becomes easier. I'm not sure yet if that's the road I want to go down.

There is three options here;
a) blindside and boot his ass (with or without everyone's consent)
b) convince him that it's for the best
c) keep him

Right now I'm leaning toward option A. Erinn is gonna need convincing or leave her in the dark. Catalie is gonna need to be brought around to see this is for the best some more.

Author:  Brenda [ Sun Jul 01, 2012 5:45:44 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Episode 08

kk, now shits getting real.

Here is the problem. We boot Sekou, & Erinn won't be too happy. We boot Ian, and Paloma won't be.

Now the Ian boot will go down a little easier I think, but I want to piss Paloma off less than I want to Erinn. :/ Paloma needs to be kept close, Erinn too, but not to the same extent.

Author:  Brenda [ Sun Jul 01, 2012 5:50:54 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Episode 08

Catalie wrote:
<snip>I know you like to tell bitches our other deals and shit to gain trust<snip>

Hehe, she knows my tactics so well icon_laughing

Author:  Brenda [ Sun Jul 01, 2012 8:01:26 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Episode 08


Even at play I'm still playing.

Erinn is a film student, and loves nothing more than voicing her opinions on same. This thread oughtta get her a bit more tribal-minded.

Author:  Brenda [ Sun Jul 01, 2012 10:36:07 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Episode 08

For Ian, if he reads these later.

You can see from the above that I only ever had you as fifth in the tribe. But if you must know the reason that you left before Sekou wa simply down to keeping Erinn happy.

If we enter the merge as five we need him & her both tight. Had Sekou left, Erinn would have been alienated. With you leaving, we run the same risk with Paloma, only I can paper over her cracks far easier.

I'm sorry we suck. Both at challenges and just in general with this decision.

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