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PostPosted: Tue Jun 19, 2012 10:57:44 pm 
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Joined: Mon Jun 18, 2012 4:35:02 pm
Posts: 63
What happened there?

What's your next move?

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PostPosted: Wed Jun 20, 2012 12:20:51 am 
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Joined: Sun Jun 17, 2012 6:12:24 pm
Posts: 61
Jeff wrote:
So good to see you in Stranded again, how are you feeling being back? Your thoughts on the cast?

What did you think about the pick'em, did it reveal anything? Your thoughts on the Refuge twist and how to play it?

Lol @ so good to see me again. We all know you hated me in Stranded ^_^

It feels good to be back though. Stranded was my first 100% anonymous ORG, so it set the tone for the type of games I would continue to be playing in. It seems to have a different "atmosphere" than the other games. I'm not quite sure what it is.

Unfortunately, I was unable to stick around for the full duration of the pick'em. Once I am not so busy, I will make sure to go back and check it out because I am sure it will reveal how close some people are with each other.

I don't have too many thoughts on the Refuge twist. I still don't fully understand what it is about, but I have been speculating that they are creating a new tribe. There is a lot of mystery revolving around it, and I would love to figure out what is going on behind the closed doors.

As for the cast.... I don't even know who half of these people are. I don't know the real ID's of anyone here except the obvious Catalie and Zambia players. I know Tyson hated me in Zambia, but I see potential for us to work together. I do not hold grudges, and I hope he doesnt either. Corinne seems to still hate me, which is unfortunate, but I guess I can't expect her to love me too much considering I voted against her. Erinn and I will probably stick tight throughout the game just because we know our position at the moment, and we both have the challenge skills to help keep us safe. Catalie will stick with us as well. The only problem is I don't see those 2 lasting long considering the dynamics that were just recently revealed.

Helen Glover wrote:
What happened there?

What's your next move?

What happened was Naonka agreeing to join an alliance that I was also asked to be a part of. She said she was voting for Corinne. In the end, she lied and voted for Taj. There was really no need for her to lie like that since they had the numbers anyway.

My next move wouldn't really be classified as a "move". Myself, Catalie, and Erinn are going to be looked at as the 3 possible boots next TC. I am just going to try to be as understanding and inoffensive as possible. If I can do that better than Catalie and Erin, who both have already started to put their foot in their mouths, then perhaps I can make it far enough into the tribal stage that either we swap, or there is a change in the dynamics. From what I am suspecting, there are a few players here who aren't that seasoned. They WILL get paranoid. Paranoia will be good for me. The further into the game we get, the more paranoid the players will get. I will do what I can to try to exploit any paranoia, and use it to my advantage when I feel the time is right.

Unfortunately, there is not much else I can do. Sometimes you need to know when to swallow your pride and be the bitch.

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