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PostPosted: Wed Jun 20, 2012 11:36:04 pm 
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What did you think of Catalie joining Refuge and the drama leading up to it?

How confident are you competing as Chaang against Seuua in the coming rounds?

Now that we've seen how the Refuge twist is affecting the game, how are you expecting it to play out in the long run? Both logistically, and how it will affect relationships.

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PostPosted: Thu Jun 21, 2012 3:00:51 pm 
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I was busy participating in the finale of another game that just ended, so I was not here for the drama that took place. I actually won that game by a vote of 4-3. My 3rd win in 2012 <3.

I did read it over after though, and it looks like there was quite a bit of heat with Cat, Tyson, etc. These people are such a clusterfuck

Cat being taken to the Refuge camp will be good for her. It sucks for me though because I am now in a position where it is either me or Erinn next. I have a 50% chance of survival if we lose a challenge. I need to make sure the target is on Erinn and not myself. The only thing that makes me a little unsure is the fact Erinn is so dominant in challenges. I mean she did screw up a couple time,s but she is still amazing at them. Will that be enough for them to want to keep her over me? I am still continuing to be as inoffensive as possible, as to hopefully touch the hearts of a couple people here. I am telling Alina that I would never even consider flipping on this tribe so that should hopefully help as well. I have a feeling Alina has a big say in what happens on this tribe, so I want to be on her good side.

From what I read, Nay was one of the people trying to push a vote onto me. That is very unfortunate because she is someone I was really looking forward to working with. I was considering making her my #1 ally in the game. But oh well.. what can I do. I am Coach. I am TaylorStreet. I will always be a target for those reasons, no matter what my intentions are.

I know absoultely nothing about the other tribe, so I dont know how the Refuge twist will go down over there. I know the real ID of like 3 people in this whole game, and only paid attention to Zambia in the Stranded series. On this side, though, I believe Erinn will be kidnapped next if we win immunity. I will then be on my own and have to find a way out of it, or hope to win the next challenge and get kidnapped again.

One of the girls has to to be on the bottom. I just need to figure out which one it is.

Tyson will be the easiest one for me to flip onto my side I think. I would need one other person though. I am wondering if Corinne would consider forming a new alliance with me. It can't hurt to try. I could work the angle of the girls bonding with each other a lot while she has been absent, and that I really need someone in this game I can trust because I know I am not in a very good position.

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PostPosted: Thu Jun 21, 2012 8:00:20 pm 
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So I have been working on Tyson, and telling him I would be loyal to him. I then asked him if he thought there would be any possibility of Corinne joining us in an alliance. He responded by saying Corinne had said she actually liked me. I am glad I was able to keep Corinne from despising me despite my vote against her. This was my most recent proposal to Tyson:

I am all for getting the 3 of us together as a core group. You really should message her and see if this is something she would be interested in. I mean.. I know you voted with the majority last round, and on paper it would seem like they are on your side while I am not.. but we know there is more to it than that. I am hoping Corinne can see the exact same thing.

Those people that voted with her have already been telling constant lies. I guarantee that things are going to get unpredictable within that alliance, and nobody is going to be safe. At least with me, you know I am going to be honest and loyal. I wont let our alliance crumble.

An alliance with You, Me, Corrine as the core is one I would truly love to succeed with, mostly because I love the story of us being enemies in the previous game, but being able to look past it. It would also show people that playing with pre-game allies is not the way to go.

Hopefully Corinne logs on some time soon so we can chat with her.

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PostPosted: Thu Jun 21, 2012 8:50:45 pm 
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Almost challenge time. Based on how Alina has been talking about the Refuge twist and how we are building the enemy, etc, I would not doubt that this tribe will try throwing the challenge to get rid of myself or Erinn. Hopefully the 2 of us can overpower the tribe and win it on our own.

It would be ideal if the tribe wasn't planning on throwing it, but much more epic if they were, and myself and Erinn still overpowered them ;)

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PostPosted: Thu Jun 21, 2012 8:58:53 pm 
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Ok so Alina said someone is lying to her, and she doesn't know who it is. I thought it would be the perfect opportunity to try getting her onto my side:

Well I am certainly not lying to you. I haven't actually told a single lie to anyone this whole game, and I don't think I plan to. Maybe that will change once I hit the merge, but I just don't feel there is any reason to be anything but honest at this point.

I think I told you this before, but I am more than willing to work with you if you are unsure about your position.

The alliance you are in now... I feel as though it is going to be a clusterfuck of drama when it comes down to just the 5 of you. I don't see anyone having any guaranteed safety. If you want to change things up and work with me, you at least know I will be forward about everything and always let you know where I stand.

I am not going to pressure you though, because I know you will do what you think is best for you.

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PostPosted: Thu Jun 21, 2012 9:56:46 pm 
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Ok so I was getting really close with Tyson, but it is looking like paranoia is starting to get to people, just as I suspected it would. I would love to be able to keep him around, but I can't throw my neck out there right now. I need to let these people continue to implode while I continue to leave myself viewed as an easy person to pick up as an extra vote.

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PostPosted: Thu Jun 21, 2012 10:26:52 pm 
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Lol I told you that alliance would implode. Worthless.

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