Chaang Tribe

Episode 04
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Author:  Helen Glover [ Wed Jun 20, 2012 11:36:41 pm ]
Post subject:  Episode 04

What did you think of Catalie joining Refuge and the drama leading up to it?

How confident are you competing as Chaang against Seuua in the coming rounds?

Now that we've seen how the Refuge twist is affecting the game, how are you expecting it to play out in the long run? Both logistically, and how it will affect relationships.

Author:  Monica [ Thu Jun 21, 2012 12:20:36 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Episode 04

Helen Glover wrote:
What did you think of Catalie joining Refuge and the drama leading up to it?

How confident are you competing as Chaang against Seuua in the coming rounds?

Now that we've seen how the Refuge twist is affecting the game, how are you expecting it to play out in the long run? Both logistically, and how it will affect relationships.

... Fuck bitch, that's like so many questions. Well I just read all my PMs, I haven't made my answers yet so I'm going to write this first. I want it to be raw feeling~ I'm so baked right now too so it's good for it.

I'm confident that we can win it, why? Because I know Erinn and I know Coach want to stay and if they win the challenges, they can be saved by the next Refugee, which happens to be the main target, Cat. She's going to hate me after this game, let me tell you. Because I'm going to hunt her down until she's dead in the dirt. She got fucking let out of the cage we had her in and now she's fucking shit up again. You know how hard it is to get that bitch down on her knees? Fuck, it's a final sub-boss right before the main challenge. icon_unsure

Well, my relationships are screwed over in the other tribe of Refugees. I know they will become something and they are still in the game. It kinda sucks, so I'm just hoping that our alliance remains strong and we're able to find a grip in this game. I want to tear apart the other tribe tribe of strong challenge Gods, I think we can do that. I really want Erinn in the game because of that. She can help in a merged tribe of ~two original tribes. I'm going to make that point tonight when I PM to save her life, icon_mml

I didn't really read through the drama, XD

Author:  Helen Glover [ Thu Jun 21, 2012 12:28:57 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Episode 04

Monica wrote:
... Fuck bitch, that's like so many questions.

Lol be glad you weren't on a season with me. I gave people headaches, forreal. Take yo time yo.

Author:  Monica [ Thu Jun 21, 2012 12:31:13 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Episode 04

Helen Glover wrote:
Monica wrote:
... Fuck bitch, that's like so many questions.

Lol be glad you weren't on a season with me. I gave people headaches, forreal. Take yo time yo.


Why didn't you play in the game it's self. Stupid Jeff didn't want you in?

Author:  Carl Bilancione [ Thu Jun 21, 2012 12:37:55 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Episode 04

We did. Scheduling and all that.

Author:  Monica [ Thu Jun 21, 2012 1:16:40 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Episode 04

Tyson is raping me with PMs right now. He's just loaded with ideas and bursting with paranoia right now. I think everything is okay right now. We have two boots we can do, lose two more challenges, we're good to go. Tyson feels Na may turn on us and blah blah, we need to do some reevaluating. -___- I need to fix his head a little before he makes more moves.

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