Chaang Tribe

Episode 05
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Author:  Helen Glover [ Thu Jun 21, 2012 10:51:55 pm ]
Post subject:  Episode 05

Well... what the hell was that?

How does tonight's vote change your long-term game plan?

Author:  Monica [ Fri Jun 22, 2012 2:40:29 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Episode 05

I actually don't even know what happened there, Helen. I knew it was happening yet I couldn't help but fight it because I really thought Tyson was extremely loyal to me. He could have been lying and this was the best move for me, but I already shit that up fuck-creek because I was so opinionated. Why doesn't Jeff ever post in my confessional anymore. I need his ~support, I got support during Cambodia.

By the way, with Mike as a Refugee, it might be interesting. Could I have some pull? LOL Probably not, but does that mean I can't try? Nope.

Author:  Monica [ Sun Jun 24, 2012 6:25:04 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Episode 05

Well, this weekend has been on the slowest EVER. Nothing happened. Alina and I are fine now, I wasn't afraid of that, I was just annoyed, so I left. But I've been here and there hasn't been much feed back at all so I think we're all just taking a break.

Things to note, Erinn hasn't responded to my PM of apology. What a fucking gay lord, ;--; I like the player, I think their personality and game style is unique and amazing for these types of games.. It's just this game, I'm not connected to them in any way shape or form and yea, I did kind of sound like a Cunt back in the last Tribal but if I have my way, she won't be making it thaaaat much further into the game.

As for Coach, he's my goal target... UHHHHGAIN. Alina is interested, Corinne WILL be interested once she hears that Na wants Corinne out. Are you kidding me? Obvs Cat got to Na, so it's like ;-; Man. So now Alina says we might as well tie it, which I agree, I ain't allowing Na to be in the tribe with Erinn and Coach and me and Alina, with Na in the passenger seat, hell to the no.

Author:  Helen Glover [ Sun Jun 24, 2012 9:32:23 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Episode 05

Asking everyone: so, how are you feeling this evening? What do you expect is going to happen with Sekou's decision and then TC?

Author:  Monica [ Sun Jun 24, 2012 9:35:19 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Episode 05

Well, AFTER his decision, i think it couldn't have gone better. Now after our boot, we boot Coach and us four girls merge strong with the other tribe... or so we're thinking. Meaning, we wont have a threat of someone flipping. nor I don't think we will.

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