Sekou wrote:
kk I will be taking over questioning for him!
Cristina, of the six questions that you got wrong tonight, which of them do you regret the most? The one where you could've counted to 12 and got it correct or the one where you failed to even respond within the one minute time limit?
CataLIE, you have been going on and on about your "computer issues." Is it true that you are putting real life (aka other games that may or may not take place in an online forum that may or may not be based off of Reality Television) above this game?
Brenda, it has been said by many that your stance on communism may get you voted out. Your thoughts?
Paloma, you're such a sweetheart LOL will we ever see the true bitch in you?
Erinn, a black man, a rabbi, and a Polluck walk into a bar. What do they all have in common?
Ian, you didn't get a chance to prove yourself in tonight's challenge. Is that a blessing or a curse? Is it fair to say that shitty challenge performance will get you voted out (re: the answer is yes)?
Sekou, where the fuck are you all of the time?
...Sekou, tell us your real opinions on everyone.