Well now that this game has officially restarted for us Refuge people, our time in Limbo is over and already people have started to play this game. I would say that for sure we have some of the stronger people on this tribe but so many big reputations and I am already worried for my place because I was so cocky when I was on Seuua I don’t want to make that same mistake again. So firstly, I will go through the people on this tribe in order of where I trust them.
Sekou: Just like Madagascar, me and him have already decided to work together to try to become the swing votes. I hope this is history repeating itself because that history had an excellent ending for me last time. He is a little isolated from the rest of the tribe but the fact he doesn’t have any ties outside of this tribe is a big help in his favour. I hope that we can become strong partners here, because I trust him and I just hope he doesn’t sell me out like I did him last time. Although I guess it would be Karma for that to happen to me. But you know what they say, you got to get close to the flame to get the light.
Catalie/Brenda: These two are obviously the big power players of the tribe and hopefully the girls who help me get through this game. Both are smart, funny and strong so hopefully that makes them good choices to stick by. But I am aware that I need their votes in order to survive because tonight, shit will be going down. My dream alliance will be of me/Catalie/Brenda/Sekou right now, but as well know these girls are major players and I wouldn’t be surprised if they try to get rid of me. But they better stick to their words. I am gonna chuck Erinn in with these girls in this bunch because even though she doesn’t speak much, from what I understand she is their ally. I better damn have these girls on my side tonight, otherwise I am fucked.
Ian/Paloma/Mike: Now this guy, he is part of the shifty three. I already know they are trying to target me and I am not happy about being that target. In theory I should have the numbers on my side but with Erinn being quiet and Brenda not showing up for me to discuss this with, I am a little nervous. Paloma apparently has it out hardcore for me. Dumb bitch tried to flip my Sekou. Like, did she do no research on him at all? Everyone knows that he was my closest ally if they bothered to ask me and she really thought that I wouldn’t find out by her telling him. So far if we went to vote right now, I know that I would have two votes to three so it would come down to C/B/E to decide it. And it makes sense to go with the 5/3 split rather than 6/2 because when there is probably six challenges to go you need some damn cushioning. I have no idea why Paloma wants me gone so bad. Mike I could understand but Paloma? Little girl has some devious Mexican shit going on. Obviously I misjudged her. Get her ass gone right after Mike, thats what I want.