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PostPosted: Wed Jun 27, 2012 11:07:52 pm 
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Joined: Mon Jun 18, 2012 4:35:02 pm
Posts: 63
So, what's the next step now that Mike is gone?

For each of the other players, to whom do you think they are most loyal, within the tribe?

Who do you think is in jeopardy this round if Refuge loses again?

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PostPosted: Thu Jun 28, 2012 8:59:10 pm 
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Joined: Sun Jun 17, 2012 6:14:02 pm
Posts: 18
So, what's the next step now that Mike is gone?

I did NOT want to vote Mike out. I tried everything I could without making it obvious that I wanted to keep him. I tried to convince Paloma, but she wasn't biting. Mike, when you read this, I was with you all the way. I couldn't save you man and I didn't want to risk myself in trying at this point. Sorry dude, I hope you understand.

I'm stuck pretending to be aligned with Brenda and Catalie. They promised me that we would make a trio to the end, but I know that is pure bullshit. They are playign me, just like everyone else. I have aligned with Paloma in a secret F2 alliance and told her that I would go to the end with her. I'm regretting that decision because she isn't very good at this game. She loves Brenda and thinks we must have Brenda to make a run. She is really not that smart. I find myself in a tough position playing the "I'll do whatever" role with these females. I just hope we can pull of some wins and get myself to the merge.

I fear I'm being played and I'll be the next boot. They may want to take out all Seuua people. Or maybe Brenda is legit and wanting to use me at the merge. I don't know what her intentions are, but she has everyone on this tribe believing that she will take them to the end. And they are fearful to speak up.

For each of the other players, to whom do you think they are most loyal, within the tribe?

I'm not sure. They all know each other outside this game, so they are loyal amongst themselves. I don't think anyone will crack their alliance, so I'm stuck in a bad position. I don't have those connections outside of this game with anyone. I'm trying to stay in the majority and act like I"m committed with everyone.

Who do you think is in jeopardy this round if Refuge loses again?

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