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PostPosted: Wed Jun 27, 2012 11:05:42 pm 
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Joined: Mon Jun 18, 2012 4:35:02 pm
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So, what's the next step now that Mike is gone?

Who do you think is in jeopardy this round if Refuge loses again?

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PostPosted: Thu Jun 28, 2012 9:31:29 am 
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Joined: Sun Jun 17, 2012 6:13:08 pm
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Honestly, that whole 24 hour period was a fucking nightmare. Like seriously, I knew that Mike had it out for me and I was for sure terrified that it would be me and everyone was lying. I knew I should have a lot more faith in my girls but I have been burnt once in this game, getting burnt twice wouldn't have surprised me at all. Last night was a bump, we are all rusty, like Brenda said. We haven't gotten back into game mode after our security so we are all a little bit too complacent. What we need is that rush of adrenaline you get when you are close to the edge, when your so worried and freaked out about the challenges that you must win that you get that extra edge. Mike was the weakest link though.

As of right now, my issues with Paloma have been resloved but now I must realise that I have a bigger problem. Sekou. He is unaware of the girls alliance of me/Brenda/Paloma/Catalie and so he tried to pull me and Paloma apart. Now foolishly, I let this happen because of our past relationship affecting my judgement. But here is the deal breaker, after the vote ended he still kept trying to push Paloma as shifty. Now Ian is the next boot because he is the biggest outsider but after that, I am seriously thinking I will have to cut Sekou loose to appease the girls. Erinn is too much of a challenger to let go and out of this girls alliance, I think I have a big enough shot to sway things to make sure that when it comes down to the final five/six of this tribe, I could maybe switch it up.

But if we lose tonight and I hope that we don't and we kick ass, Ian is in danger. He knows it, everyone knows it. He just got unlucky to be the last one in, because the bonds were made and he isn't strong enough socially to break them. But hopefully we will have a win tonight so I can have a relaxing weekend without having to decide whether to cut a friend loose or not.

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