The way I'm looking at it, sooner or later we have to do one of Cristina/Sekou which will piss off the other.
If we think we are gonna be awesome, and only need one boot between here and merge, then Ian is a good idea. But if we have two or more boots to go, Cristina & Sekou is a better idea than Ian plus one and the other pissed.
If we lose tonight, its all the more reason to take the plunge and do one or the other. If we get a few wins built up, then Ian becomes a better choice the closer we get to the merge.
The alternative to Cristina is Sekou I guess? IDT Erinn would be overly annoyed at that, and Cristina will just be as annoyed as Sekou would be with a Cristina boot. And Ian/Erinn/Cristina as a three is never gonna happen.
alol at I don't think Erinn would be overly annoyed by that. Granted, She doesn't know their relationship. But the fact that she wants to save Ian so bad, just makes me want to boot him more.
I may pussy out and vote Cristina so I don't fuck with Brenda and Paloma. But I also refuse to fuck with Erinn and Sekou. And I honestly don't think Cristina deserves for ME to fuck her over. I might just vote Ian no matter what they do.