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PostPosted: Tue Jun 19, 2012 6:07:30 pm 
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Joined: Mon Jun 18, 2012 4:35:02 pm
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How do you think Brenda retiring to refuge will change dynamics on your tribe?

What alliances do you think or know to exist within Chaang, and where does your loyalty actually reside?

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PostPosted: Tue Jun 19, 2012 8:27:23 pm 
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Hello Helen, who the hell are you? First, I have to tell you what I just repeated to 9 other people in PMs ad nauseum. I just got back from an emergency dentist appointment, my wisdom tooth is cracked and infected as fuck. I got no sleep last night from the pain and I am having trouble focusing on anything important at the moment. So yeah..

Secondly, Brenda leaving my tribe sucks. Does it change the dynamics? Slightly. It means I can't depend on Brenda's vote. Plus, just as much as I love and adore Taj and Erinn, I KNOW that Brenda is always a vote with me, not for me right now. Sure, she might cut my throat later, I know how Brenda can be if she's playing to win. But we're fairly close, I picked her first Night 1, she is loyal to me. So it sucks to lose her and know this is the last day to speak with her until God knows when.

And then, on top of all of that, she sends me this novel about why she got taken. Apparently her and Paloma were in Stranded AUS vs USA and are tight, I don't even know. But also, because yesterday Corinne created an alliance of her/Nay/Tyson/Alina and Monica. And Nay told me about this. I confronted Monica and Alina about it both were like "Oh yeah, Corinne made that, it's fake"

Come to find out, the reason Paloma took Brenda was so that those 5 would have majority aside from her being bff with Brenda.

So now, Corinne is enemy number 1 and Alina is enemy number 2.

While I wasn't here Taj set up an alliance of me, Her, Erinn, Coach and Nay. We're going to vote Corinne. I love that my Taj did the ground work for this, because I wasn't able to be here. I also love that Coach is safe, because I honestly thought Taj would go after him. lol

I need to ride this out. I am not fully HBICing but I am getting what I want on this tribe.. for the moment.

There is talk of throwing to boot Corinne but I don't know if we'll do it.

I need to keep my ducks in a row here, I am trying to. I am also fully prepared to call bitches out tonight either in TC to boot a bitch OR at the Refuge meeting, whichever thing we attend.

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PostPosted: Tue Jun 19, 2012 8:53:43 pm 
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Hello, my dear! Why, I am Helen. Greece runner-up. Challenge whore extraordinaire and game theory HBIC. Or something like that. And excited to see your play-style unfold.

Any gut feelings going into tonight? Comfortable or reluctant?

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PostPosted: Tue Jun 19, 2012 10:16:46 pm 
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I am comfortable because I am immune. But I am still scared for my allies.

Everyone says they are doing Corinne, but I don't know. I am trying to heartfuck Monica and Alina after tonight, I hope it works.

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