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PostPosted: Sun Jun 24, 2012 10:43:00 pm 
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Joined: Mon Jun 18, 2012 4:35:02 pm
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How confident do you feel in your tribe's ability now that you're down to four?

What's your long-term game plan?

What do you think of the composition of the Refuge camp as it stands now? Simple or complicated alliance dynamics? Strong or weak in challenges? Old bonds or new? Easy to infiltrate or hard?

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PostPosted: Mon Jun 25, 2012 11:48:04 am 
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Joined: Sun Jun 17, 2012 6:12:45 pm
Posts: 43
Helen Glover wrote:
How confident do you feel in your tribe's ability now that you're down to four?
I'm not confident at all, HA. Alina is probably the strongest challenger of the four, which means that the other two really need to step it up to match her level. I just plain ol' suck at challenges, but they put me here for my social game which is my strongest ability. I may not be nice to everyone, but I sure do know how to work the shit out of certain people.

What's your long-term game plan?
Just make it to the merge and hope for the best. I would love to still work with Paloma, but I have no faith in her. Catalie is someone I'd like to also work with, however I feel as though she still has bad blood for me. Erinn will never work with me.. ever. I was hoping to try and get with Brendan, but she's a lost cause. Nay, Alina, Monica and I really need to just win challenges, and pray this induction shit ends. We really, truly need to just fucking work every possible person. If one of us goes over to refuge, it's donezo. If I want to stay in this game, I need Nay and I to team up, and pray that Monica or Alina goes to Refuge. That way we could potentially lose a challenge and send one of them home. Or, I could do the same with Alina. Never Monica, unless I tell her that she'll be going nowhere in this game if she sticks with Alina besides home.

What do you think of the composition of the Refuge camp as it stands now? Simple or complicated alliance dynamics? Strong or weak in challenges? Old bonds or new? Easy to infiltrate or hard?
They're strong. Really strong. They've got some of the best competitors like Erinn and Catalie. The alliances might be the strongest as well, considering a majority of the Chaang Refugees have voted for me, or have said that they wanted me gone in one way of another. I know nothing about the opposite tribe, so I could care less what really happens. It'll be very hard to infiltrate, but I just hope that we can really work something out with Paloma and Catalie in order to make a really tight group.

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