Seuua Tribe

Episode 02
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Author:  Helen Glover [ Tue Jun 19, 2012 5:52:06 pm ]
Post subject:  Episode 02

Tough Tribal Council.

How will you adapt to Parvati having been voted out and moving on from here?

How is the refuge twist affecting your strategy?

And how confident are you walking into tonight's Immunity Challenge?

Author:  Cristina [ Tue Jun 19, 2012 8:46:45 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Episode 02

Well I have to say last night totally took me by surprise. I can’t believe everyone on this tribe lied to my face and then sent Parvati out of the door. Like my closest ally has just been booted and now I am next on the chopping block for being loyal. Even if I had believed Ian, I wouldn’t have turned my back on my girl like that. I decided I wouldn’t be that backstabbing bitch anymore and now when i tried to be loyal, it totally turned out to be the wrong move. It is pretty obvious that us Madagscans are on the bottom of the totem pole but Lisi and Yul don’t think that. They must be pretty delusional to think that the pairs on this tribe will work with them outside of those two being big targets for the other tribe.
I have two chances now in this game. The first, which will happen if we win is to get picked for Refuge. Brenda and I have talked and I volunteered for it. She can see that I am in a bad spot and taking me away from this place would do some damage to the tribe as they would lose the easy boot.

My other option which will happen if we lose is to straight up target Natalie to go. She is the weakest one here in my eyes socially and that may be my saving grace. But just getting the votes to stay would be hard enough. I would need four other people to keep me and I know for sure that half of this tribe have been ignoring me. Bad enough that I made a fool of myself last night by being sure that me and Parvati were going to be running stuff. I guess these Survivors have gotten smarter since the last time I played. I am on the outs and I have a big hill to climb to make it to tomorrow. I just pray that we win but I am not that confident that it will happen sadly. But I will go down fighting, that is for sure. Quitters never win and winners never quit. I am already a winner, so I will never be a quitter!

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