Seuua Tribe

Episode 01
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Author:  Jeff Probst [ Sun Jun 17, 2012 10:33:26 pm ]
Post subject:  Episode 01

Welcome back!

So good to see you in Stranded again, how are you feeling being back? Your thoughts on the cast?

What did you think about the pick'em, did it reveal anything? Your thoughts on the Refuge twist and how to play it?

Author:  Daniel [ Sun Jun 17, 2012 11:34:29 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Episode 01

I'm very excited to be back! I feel humbled and frankly, a bit overwhelmed at it all. Back in February after Greece ended I was kicking myself for not trying harder. More than anything I desired a second chance, a reprieve to prove to myself and others that I can play this game more than adequately, and possibly even exceptionally. I was blinded at first, blinded by real life issues. I didn't put my all into the game and reading over the comments on my gameplay after it was all finished was a bit crushing. I was ranked last on all of the moderator's lists. Taj and Brenda especially held disdain over my gameplay. It would be poetic if I ended up taking out Taj later on once the merge comes around. :)

From what I've gathered, this cast is full of very serious veteran players. I'm completely boggled as to who anyone is and what their claims to fame are. I feel as if I'm walking amongst Survivor titans. Really all that this is doing is augmenting my insecurities. What if at the end of the day that I'm the last one standing? Who the FUCK could have guessed that? TBH, it'd be like Amber winning All-Stars, she was the "WTF-Choice" and nobody really took her seriously, Rob took all the heat for her. Now, I don't particularly respect that gameplay as much as a cunning, charismatic player, but if it works, it works right? I may attach myself to Penny, I may not. I hope she has my back as I currently have hers. We're the only two Greek players so it wouldn't make sense to initially work AGAINST each other. Only a fool would do that.

The pick 'em mortified me. I'm a recent, unknown, low-keyed player and in pick 'ems that spells doom. I'm thankful that Yul ended up randomly picking me and I reciprocated for Ian and ended up choosing him. I'm a softie at heart and I hate seeing players who are so eager to play get left out, ESPECIALLY over inactives. Right now I'm just trying to earn my way into good graces with my tribe, get to know them personally, and establish the framework for a potential majority alliance.

ABOUT THE REFUGE TWIST...If you'd explain it fucking better I could give an opinion on it, no offense Jeff! Your explanation wasn't thorough at all. Are the refugees just a third tribe who don't do anything other than choose who gets to be a refugee from the winning tribe after immunity challenges? Please clear this up, it's bothersome.

Author:  Daniel [ Tue Jun 19, 2012 3:41:54 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Episode 01

You're such a slacker, Jeff. Get more co-hosts. Yeesh.

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