Helen Glover wrote:
What are tribal dynamics like on the new Seuua tribe?
For each of the other players, to whom do you think they are most loyal, within the tribe?
Who do you think is in jeopardy this round if Seuua loses?
The dynamics are, as far as I've determined, pretty simple. Alina, Naonka, and Monica are tight. Corinne is just there, vegging out like a fucking eggplant. If I had my druthers I'd boot her first but Yul is really pushing for Alina. I think we can sway him if we lose tonight. OldSeuua is staying strong, even Lisi. I doubt she'd flip on us for any reason. That'd surely be foolish on her behalf, no? Stupid, stupid.
Yul and Katie are indubitably loyal to me. I trust them with my life now that they helped me boot Penny. As for Lisi? She seems loyal but I'm not COMPLETELY sold. She doesn't have very many options though, does she?
As for OldChaang... I do think that Naonka and Monica are tight. Alina, while immature, is also tight with them. Like I said, Corinne is a floater. Her method of gameplay disgusts me and she WILL leave tonight if I have my way. I just need Yul on board with it. Easy peasy.