Seuua Tribe

Episode 06
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Author:  Helen Glover [ Sun Jun 24, 2012 10:47:26 pm ]
Post subject:  Episode 06

And then there were four: how confident do you feel in your tribe's ability now that the numbers have been dwindling?

What's your long-term game plan?

What do you think of the composition of the Refuge camp as it stands now? Simple or complicated alliance dynamics? Strong or weak in challenges? Old bonds or new? Easy to infiltrate or hard?

Author:  Daniel [ Mon Jun 25, 2012 1:14:38 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Episode 06

Helen Glover wrote:
And then there were four: how confident do you feel in your tribe's ability now that the numbers have been dwindling?

What's your long-term game plan?

What do you think of the composition of the Refuge camp as it stands now? Simple or complicated alliance dynamics? Strong or weak in challenges? Old bonds or new? Easy to infiltrate or hard?

It's a scary dichotomy because while Ian, Mike, and Cristina are over on the refuge tribe, their allegiances could very easily sway by the time they rejoin the game officially. Right now I have a solid three, and hell, I may string Lisi along for the ride too. I think Ian is still solid with us too but Mike seems pissed and I haven't a clue where Cristina stands.

Tribal lines are overrated I think. People are going to flip regardless, it's how this game works. I really do think that Katie, Ian and Yul are solid, but I'm going to need to pull in some more come merge in order to establish a majority. I hope I can make amends with Mike but he's hard to communicate with. Bah.

Well the long term plan is to stick with Katie/Yul/Ian/etc. That's easier said than done, obviously...I need to think over who else I can work with.

The refuge camp seems like a bit of a clusterfuck. It's impossible to piece together just how tribal dynamics are like over there. All I really know is that it's composed of outcasts who would have been ousted from their tribes originally if they had gone to TC instead of a refugee induction. I DO know that Mike said that I'm being treated as a scapegoat over there who is pulling all the strings on Seuua. Not what I wanted to hear, but surely now that Penny is gone it will only get worse.

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