Seuua Tribe

Episode 04
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Author:  Helen Glover [ Thu Jun 21, 2012 11:11:51 pm ]
Post subject:  Episode 04

Er... I didn't give you an Ep04 thread...? #fail

So things were calm this round. Expect it to stay that way?

How confident are you competing as Seuua against Chaang in the coming rounds?

Now that we've seen how the Refuge twist is affecting the game, how are you expecting it to play out in the long run? Both logistically, and how it will affect relationships.

Author:  Lisi [ Fri Jun 22, 2012 3:57:54 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Episode 04

Helen Glover wrote:
Er... I didn't give you an Ep04 thread...? #fail

So things were calm this round. Expect it to stay that way?

How confident are you competing as Seuua against Chaang in the coming rounds?

Now that we've seen how the Refuge twist is affecting the game, how are you expecting it to play out in the long run? Both logistically, and how it will affect relationships.

Another tribal council, another easy vote. Natalie was the clear outsider of her tribe, and she knew it. I never really spoke to her, so I'm happy to see her gone. Having people in losers lodge that I've never spoken to is a good thing. I wouldn't want someone like that on the jury as I'd never get her vote.

Mike is the next rung down the ladder, and I think he knows it. We've been trying to make him feel as comfortable as possible. I think I've got a pretty good relationship with him, so I've told him that I don't want him going home.

Author:  Lisi [ Fri Jun 22, 2012 4:01:54 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Episode 04

So pumped we won the challenge! We've been tossing up whether winning or losing is better for our tribe, and in my mind, we had to win. Losing would've meant voting Mike out, who I get along well with. Winning means keeping all 7 of us, even if one is being refuged. 7 strong is better than 6 any day of the week.

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