Seuua Tribe

Episode 08
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Author:  Helen Glover [ Fri Jun 29, 2012 12:21:46 am ]
Post subject:  Episode 08

Two days into a winning streak for a tribe that had the morale of being dead-on-arrival right out of the gate. To what would you attribute the tribe's unexpected competitive success, and do you think it will continue?

If the numbers on the Refuge tribe continue to dwindle, how do you expect you'd treat a merge? Staying loyal to NuSeuua, or staying true to a suballiance within NuSeuua or including Refuge members from your original tribe?

So, you and Alina have been a pair for some time now, and you commented on some of your differences earlier tonight. Can you elaborate a bit more on your relationship and how to differentiate your strategies, say, if you were describing it to a jury? And how far do you plan on going in the game with her?

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