Seuua Tribe

Episode 07
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Author:  Monica [ Wed Jun 27, 2012 4:42:53 pm ]
Post subject:  Episode 07

My tribe is really quiet but it's good because tonight, Friday-Monday I'm extremely busy. It works out that I'm free tomorrow night to make up for tonight. I'll be able to log on and read a few PMs to vote but thats about it. Friday I'm heading to a cottage for the Canada Day weekend. I'll be missing the event challenge on Sunday night but I'll be able to get a PM in there and vote, too. Monday I'll be back to continue the routine of the game. So I have some hurdles but I think I can get over them. There are idols being thrown around now, apparently the idol is gone now. ;-; I suggested that we vote someone different from what we tell Lisi because she could very well be hoaxed into staying with her older tribe now that they have the idol. Also there's a chance that one of the girls has it and Na is trying to cover it up by saying it's no longer there when really she has it. Stupid bitch, she might! But I don't care right now, I'm going to send out some mad PMs right now.

Author:  Helen Glover [ Wed Jun 27, 2012 11:13:02 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Episode 07

What are tribal dynamics like on the new Seuua tribe?

For each of the other players, to whom do you think they are most loyal, within the tribe?

Who do you think is in jeopardy this round if Seuua loses?

Author:  Monica [ Thu Jun 28, 2012 10:21:15 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Episode 07

Helen Glover wrote:
What are tribal dynamics like on the new Seuua tribe?

For each of the other players, to whom do you think they are most loyal, within the tribe?

Who do you think is in jeopardy this round if Seuua loses?

The tribal dynamics on Seuua happens to be in our favour, or so we think anyway. At the start of the swap, us for girls decided that we'd make it seem like Corinne is willing to flip because she's at the bottom. Apparently, I was speaking to Lisi, she tells me that Yul, Daniel and Katie want to stay true to their tribe and that's that. Lisi, however, states otherwise, claiming she was on the outs and would like to flip. So then I notice there's an idol in the game and I figure, well winning the challenge, we must have gotten a clue by now. We did. The night went on and someone had found it. Alina tells me that Lisi told her she had the idol straight up. Na tells me that she thinks Lisi has it. I'm like what? Because why would Alina be told from Lisi that she actually has it and not tell Na? Na seemed surprise that I knew Lisi for sure had it. Corinne, I don't know where she at, she reads my PMs and doesn't respond. She comes on and responds like just before the vote. icon_laughing So knowing that Lisi could very well have the idol, and this isn't a ploy to just duke me, Lisi needs to go. She may say she wants to align with us but she's getting too powerful, she has the idol and everything. I just don't like that at all. So I said, "girls, would you like to vote off Lisi, tell her we're voting Katie, us four girls vote Lisi, take out the idol and have the idol back into the game and a chance for us to claim it. Plus, it also still gains us majority in the tribe and at least three more boots before we reach, or hopefully some kind of merge, soon.

I believe all of the Chaang girls are the most loyal. We haven't done anything since the swap to make anyone think, otherwise. Unless Na or something has flipped, then I think we're good.

Katie or Lisi would be in danger in my eyes.

Author:  Monica [ Thu Jun 28, 2012 8:07:12 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Episode 07

Alina can get so fucking annoying when she's juggling a decision in her head. She changes her mind all the time, just last time she was telling me she didn't want to vote Lisi out. Okay. I understand that and I don't care. icon_laughing Second, now an hour before the challenge, Alina messages me and states that she feels Corinne has flopped and will vote out Alina. Are you kidding me? She's trying to grasp at things for me to want to vote out Lisi, by saying she's in danger. icon_yawn

These people, I swear. I rather win the challenge and let us have some more time away from drama. Let the other tribe suffer from drama. We have to be one of the most boring tribes ever, though. That's fine, the merge will have all the drama, save it for then. Now let's just hope I can get there.

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