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Episode 04
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PostPosted: Wed Jun 20, 2012 10:37:00 pm 
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Detailed confessional will come shortly. :)

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Re: Episode 04
PostPosted: Wed Jun 20, 2012 11:13:37 pm 
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Im entertaining the possibility of Refuging myself, but then it seems like overkill and I should just play it safe.

God this refuge twist is such a pain in the arse JEFF. I hate you so much right now.

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Re: Episode 04
PostPosted: Wed Jun 20, 2012 11:35:04 pm 
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I am so torn at the moment. Winning the challenge and getting Mike sent to Refuge is IDEAL. It eliminates another Chong member and it means more Tigers members spread over two tribes.

But then its risky, what is to stop Natalie from taking Yul? Or worse? Me. Nothing. I'd be so so so pissed off if I got kidnapped and then voted off by those boneheads over there. It would be tragic.

I literally dont know what to do. For the first time ever I simply sit here with a stupid expression on my face trying to scheme my way out of this mess.

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Re: Episode 04
PostPosted: Thu Jun 21, 2012 12:37:25 am 
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So things were calm this round. Expect it to stay that way?

Now that we've seen how the Refuge twist is affecting the game, how are you expecting it to play out in the long run? Both logistically, and how it will affect relationships.

Your mind seems to be running in every which direction and unable to settle on a path. While that may still be up in the air, let's focus on something that should be settled: how would you say your loyalties to others have shifted over the course of the past three days? (Or have they, at all?) Does your closest confidant or anticipated F4 from days ago remain your endgame goals today?

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Re: Episode 04
PostPosted: Thu Jun 21, 2012 12:41:36 am 
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Oh Helen you post as soon as I sign off my computer haha. Im on my phone atm.

Ill be back shortly to type a detailed response.

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Re: Episode 04
PostPosted: Thu Jun 21, 2012 1:04:02 am 
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So things were calm this round. Expect it to stay that way?

Hell no. This game will really rock on when we get to the 6 left in this tribe. It'll be like the merge because everybody thinks they are in good with everybody. Only problem is I am still unsure about which way I want to go when we hit that point. Do Dan and I go with Katie and Ian? Or with Lisi and Yul? I think it would depend on how close to the merge we were. Ian if it was early, Yul if we were very close.

Now that we've seen how the Refuge twist is affecting the game, how are you expecting it to play out in the long run? Both logistically, and how it will affect relationships.

I am still going with the 6-6-6 theory, and that they'll end up being a brand new tribe altogether. From the looks of things, it appears Chaang is just a complete and utter mess. Of course, looks can be deceiving, is it an Ozzy-esque attempt to make us feel comfortable? At any rate, I am determined to go into the merge with the same tactic I did in Greece. That is, split up the tribe into two divisions, all the while secretly being united. Its much more believable if you dont harp on about it on the main board, the way Tyson has.

I know that Cat and Brenda are both players, and I dont want to get played by them, but I will try and use any relationship I can form with them to my advantage in order to get the jump on Chaang at the merge. Even if they are on the outs at their tribe, I cant trust them in the slightest, so I would have to be very very careful with them. Im just so messed up with this whole game at the moment, its so confusing and I cant predict shit. I want so badly to get to the end again, and even more to own the shit at the end and win, but I realise I need to keep it real. I had some great fortune in Greece, and it would be unlikely I am going to get the run of the luck this time around as well. I just have to give it my best and of course, Aim small, Miss small.

Your mind seems to be running in every which direction and unable to settle on a path.

Yeah but what else is new. I figured you, Jeff and Carl would be well used to that right now, having watched me do the same thing last season. icon_chaos This is why I am so untrusting of Brenda in particular, why would she trust me? She knows what I am capable of.

How would you say your loyalties to others have shifted over the course of the past three days? (Or have they, at all?) Does your closest confidant or anticipated F4 from days ago remain your endgame goals today?

I think it does. I think everything that I want at the end is pretty solid, but its how I am attempting to get there that keeps changing and that is they key. If I can keep a firm focus on my endgame goal, then I am confident that I can get there in the end. Yeah everything might not happen the exact way I want it to, but in the end the most important thing is being there at that Final Tribal Council, after that, anything can happen. At this stage I would say I trust Daniel, Katie and Lisi roughly the same amount. I do share intimate details of my plan with each of them at various stages, whereas Yul and Ian are on the outs IF I was entirely calling the shots, which I am not. I think Lisi/Yul and Katie/Ian are pairs, and that splitting both of them up back to back could really affect my trust levels with both of them.

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Re: Episode 04
PostPosted: Thu Jun 21, 2012 11:05:59 am 
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Today is my 30th consecutive day on Stranded without being eliminated. Oh my gosh how exciting?

Lets hope it gets all the way to 50. icon_yes icon_yes icon_yes

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Re: Episode 04
PostPosted: Thu Jun 21, 2012 11:41:11 am 
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I'd love to stay all night and wait for Cat. Unfortunately if I am going to get up to compete in this challenge ill need to go to bed shortly.

For reference, these challenges are at about 11am my time. Its not 1:39am so I dont think I can give her too much longer.

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Re: Episode 04
PostPosted: Thu Jun 21, 2012 11:42:14 am 
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Me saying not instead of now may give you some indication of how tired I am. icon_laughing

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Re: Episode 04
PostPosted: Thu Jun 21, 2012 9:35:32 pm 
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Oh my god Daniel in that 7 Deadly Sins challenge! You idiot!!

Daniel wrote:
Anger - Naonka, Erinn, Tyson


Daniel wrote:

Naonka, Corinna, Penny

Daniel wrote:
Do booted players not count?


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