Penny wrote:
Mike wrote:
Yeah, The plan was made with myself, Yul, Ian and Katie. I tried to throw the challenge that night but Chaang threw it harder. So when I was refuged, Yul and Katie appealed to Daniels power hungry side and made him believe he came up with the plan to take you out, when it was all into place for a while. I made the callout thread on Seuua basically to pretend nothing ever happened, just in case.
Oh now THATS interesting. Kudos to you all. So Daniel didnt really have anything to do with masterminding it? I should have known better than to think he was capable of doing that.
Was there anything I did that made me a target? I tried my best to replicate my previous game, but once Parvati left and nobody else was doing anything I got so paranoid and control freaky that I lost the charm I had at the start, the refuge twist didnt help, I was constantly fretting about it.
No, of course not. You made him believe he was in power as well most of the time as well, while it was really you and Lisi, right?
Anyway, people viewed you and Lisi as the power couple with Daniel as a trio, so they wished to break you up. You were targeted because we established you were the most bitter if you lost control