I really do hate to say this, but I couldn't really give any less of a shit about Chaang or Seuua. They are nice tribes with somewhat nice people (from the little that I got to know them, at least), but they are just so inconsequential to me. I didn't learn shit about them over the weekend, and the only connection I have on Seuua is to Penny, and she just got the boot. I guess I might be able to work something out with Lisi or Yul, but only God knows if anything will come from my relationships with them. On Chaang... I think I might be able to work with Alina down the road. I think I trolled Corinne too much to make her want to ever work with me, plus I look like a shady fuck to the majority of them all now.
I am kind of a fan of my social game here. Kind of. I think that I went from a completely inactive fuck to someone who *might* actually be useful in this game? I don't really know how the fuck that happened, but it did.
Erinn is my #1. Obviously. I'm not betraying her here, never ever. She can vote me out whenever the fuck she wants, but I refuse to ever write her name down.
Coming into this game, I was kind of worried about Catalie. We have a bit of a questionable history where we've gone from friends -> hating each other -> BFFs, and now we're working together. Really, the only reason I gave a shit about her was because she was working with Erinn, and I knew that if Erinn liked her then I had to as well. I'm not regretting it at all, though. We are actually getting along really well and I'm sending her longer PMs than I'm sending to anyone else.
Catalie, Erinn and I have an alliance with Brenda that was kind of obvious, but I really felt responsible for pushing it. I know those three were previously working together, so I guess I kind of just lumped myself in with them? I got into a really bad habit of just ignoring all of Brenda's PMs for a bit there, so now I'm working on a relationship with her. Brenda does intimidate me because I know she has connections with a fuck ton of these people, but if she got targeted as early as she did ... she can be taken out later. She is a shield for now, and a good one at that.
Cristina and Paloma and myself are kind of on the fringe of those three, but I like to think that I'm #4 to the alliance in general, with a #1 in Erinn -- so I'm not worried. If this tribe somehow gets majorly pagonged, I don't think I'll be in direct danger if my alliance sticks together because I've got enough friends to stick around.
Cristina and I have a really great bond as well. I'd say that I'm closer to Cristina right now than I am to even Brenda. Cristina and I work really well together when we actually do work together -- I'm just worried that she's going to let our connection fade like she did in Madagascar. For the moment though, she's a pivotal vote for my alliance of four.
Paloma LOL She's so funny LOL Her PMs are short, but she likes me LOL and that's all that matters
Mike and Ian have been kind of lumped together... mostly by Mike's parading of the fact that they are BFFs. Mike is a nice guy and I get along with him well, whereas I still don't have much of a relationship with Ian. If I had my way, they would be the first two boots here. We'll see. I don't think they've gained any traction in their attempts to switch up a target. At least, I hope they haven't.