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Final 3
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PostPosted: Thu Jul 19, 2012 10:01:53 pm 
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Joined: Fri Jun 15, 2012 9:30:17 pm
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Welcome guys, and congratulations. Been a crazy season.

Feel free to post here and give your thoughts on the 19 people who fell before you. You owe it to them. None of the jurors can see this btw.

Just a reminder:

22nd - Parvati
21st - Taj
20th - Natalie
19th - Tyson
17th - Penny
17th - Coach

16th - Mike
15th - Cristina
14th - Ian
13th - Corinne

12th - Sekou
11th - Paloma
10th - Monica
9th - Daniel
8th - Naonka
7th - Katie
6th - Brenda
5th - Erinn
4th - Yul

Also, please type up your opening statements in your confessionals now. Thanks!

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Re: Final 3
PostPosted: Thu Jul 19, 2012 10:04:45 pm 
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Thanks Jeff <3 It's been a wonderful and amazing season, not going to lie.

I will do this and my opening statement later tonight, tomorrow morning the latest.

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Re: Final 3
PostPosted: Thu Jul 19, 2012 10:34:47 pm 
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Joined: Sat Jun 16, 2012 9:00:56 pm
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Thanks Jeff. I'll try and do mine tonight when I'm home from work.

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Re: Final 3
PostPosted: Fri Jul 20, 2012 12:07:07 am 
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22nd - Parvati - Up to your old tricks as usual, you had to go.
21st - Taj - I guess you were too much of a threat?
20th - Natalie - You just didn't seem to want it as much as everyone else?
19th - Tyson - Your fights with Penny were entertaining
17th - Penny - You played too hard, too early.
17th - Coach - Bad luck.

16th - Mike - You seemed like a good bloke. Sorry you couldn't fit in at Seuua or Refuge.
15th - Cristina - Being stuck with Parvati early kinda ruined your game.
14th - Ian - Again, a nice bloke. Sorry to see you go before the merge.
13th - Corinne - Too inactive.

12th - Sekou - I have no idea why you were in the game.
11th - Paloma - Lovely girl, I just don't think you're active enough for these types of games.
10th - Monica - I didn't want you to go home, even though we didn't talk much!
9th - Daniel - You were an underrated player. We had to get rid of you at some stage.
8th - Naonka - You were interesting to talk to and had a surprisingly hot temper.
7th - Katie - How everyone let you get this far is a mystery to me. Quality player.
6th - Brenda - Again, I can't believe you were allowed to get this far. You were clearly lying the whole game, but some people didn't see that until too late.
5th - Erinn - I thought you'd be more active, but you were a solid physical threat.
4th - Yul - We were always together despite hardly ever being in the same alliance. It hurt me to vote you out last night.

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Re: Final 3
PostPosted: Fri Jul 20, 2012 4:44:01 pm 
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I have an opening statement but I wanna tweak it a bit :3

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Re: Final 3
PostPosted: Fri Jul 20, 2012 4:47:42 pm 
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22nd - Parvati

idk anything about you :/ Sorry

21st - Taj

Not going to lie, this boot kinda sucked for me because I do like you and think you're really cool. But I had to make a choice between two alliances and I just felt that I could trust the other one more than you guys. Sorry you had to bite the dust.

20th - Natalie

<3Ali or whatever your Sig was. You seemed nice enough but once again never really talked to you.

19th - Tyson

You literally drove me batshit insane. Lol. Like omg. Working with you was fucking insane, and for my sanity because I am not all here in the head, you had to go. Best strategic move? No. Best emotional move? Yes.

17th - Penny

I loved you on the main boards so much, and I was so looking forward to talking to you in PMs, but then you got booted and I cried. This really fucking sucked. You were one of the more entertaining people for sure.

17th - Coach

You were right. I was the first merge boot.

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Re: Final 3
PostPosted: Fri Jul 20, 2012 4:50:02 pm 
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16th - Mike

I remember you a bit when you were on Chaang and we bonded a bit. Thank you for not taking me, I could have been really really fucked I think. Lol

15th - Cristina

We're still in that phase of people I barely interacted with. I don't really know anything about you, but you seemed nice enough.

14th - Ian

The only thing I know is that Paloma liked you, so I am sure you're swell. But yea, we never interacted.

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Re: Final 3
PostPosted: Fri Jul 20, 2012 4:51:52 pm 
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13th - Corinne

Honestly, I know that a lot of people weren't big fans of you, and you weren't on much and you sucked at challenges. But I liked you. Paloma said you were awesome and someone that I should work with, so I decided to take a gamble and work with you. What I ended up with was someone who was very loyal to me, which I really do appreciate looking back on this hell of a merge. Hope you're doing ok

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Re: Final 3
PostPosted: Fri Jul 20, 2012 4:52:07 pm 
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12th - Sekou

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Re: Final 3
PostPosted: Fri Jul 20, 2012 4:54:27 pm 
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11th - Paloma

I think it's no secret that I fucking love you. When I saw you were back, I wanted you on my tribe and I wanted to work with you. Things didn't work as planned, but for the day you were on my tribe we worked out an alliance of people that I could really trust, and it was awesome. I was shocked whenever you survived on Refuge, and so fucking happy too. Come merge I told everyone that we're targeting Cat, Erinn, and Brenda. Never you. I think that backfired because people felt you and I were too close. In reality I would have loved to gone far with you but idk how realistic that would have been given everyone else in the game. I am your biggest fan though and I'm so happy you're on the jury.

PS I finally read your PM last night. No it wasn't a crazy weekend. xD

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Re: Final 3
PostPosted: Fri Jul 20, 2012 4:57:52 pm 
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10th - Monica

When I saw you were playing this game, I literally though "yes, here's my F2 partner." I've wanted to work with you in a game for ages and I finally got my chance. And we did, and it was nice. We weren't always on the same page though, but we were always able to talk everything out and come to a decision, even if we did disagree. I know I did things that may have upset you, and Ik that you didn't agree with the Tyson boot and a few other moves, but honestly I thought it was the best for OUR game. Ik you accused me of thinking about my game, but until maybe the merge, I was always thinking about OUR game. And even in merge, the rounds you were here I was just targeting Cat/Erinn/Brenda as everyone knows, so I did have your back. When you left I was pretty upset by that too. Back to back shitty boots for me.

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Re: Final 3
PostPosted: Fri Jul 20, 2012 5:01:16 pm 
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9th - Daniel

This one's going to be hard to write up.

When we merged, I was annoying. I'm not going to pretend that I wasn't. I like shticks, it's what I do. You didn't like it, at least from what I heard. And I think that me knowing that you disliked me and you, well, disliking me really put a strain in our relationship.

When Paloma was voted out, I actually had a mini breakdown. You could ask NaOnka and....I forget Katie maybe? But I was losing it to a lot of people, and to you as well. But at least when I broke down to you I felt that you opened up to me a bit more. I like to think it was genuine and I am going to believe it was. From then on we actually talked about things outside the game and were nicer to each other because lets be honest, once you all voted out Monica there was no way I was working with you guys again. At least not for a while.

You do seem like a stand up guy though and I hope you don't hate me at the end of the day.

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Re: Final 3
PostPosted: Fri Jul 20, 2012 5:05:48 pm 
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8th - Naonka

Ok so coming into the game I held grudges against three people, but strongly against two. One was Shannon who lol he must have died or something. The other strong one was you. You and I had our beef in the past, and I thought you being in the game was the worst possible thing for me.

But then we apologized, and started talking. People thought we still hated each other, but we started bonding and becoming allies. And honestly, you were a great ally and slowly became someone I could really really trust. By the time we were on Seuaa, since Monica and I have had a few disagreements, there were definitely times where I felt that I trusted you the most.

I have to mention this though, and I am sorry, but you wanting Paloma gone to make me closer to you, to make a power move, ugh. @_@ when I found out that was you I was in shock. But whatever, it's in the past and I do understand why you did that. It's cool.

I wish you were here with me in the finals though, and I do mean that whole-heartedly.

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Re: Final 3
PostPosted: Fri Jul 20, 2012 5:08:06 pm 
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7th - Katie

Damn. When I merged onto Seuaa, I saw you were pretty inactive, so I figured you were at the bottom of things. But shit, I was dead wrong. It really seems like you were the mastermind of that tribe, at least from what you and Lisi have told me. Mad props, mad mad props.

Our relationship was interesting to say the least. We didn't talk that much and weren't that close. It's funny though, there was a moment I was considering taking you to the final four with me, and then you use that to turn things around on me. Well done.

But yea I don't have too much to say about you just because we didn't talk that much. You were cool though.

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Re: Final 3
PostPosted: Fri Jul 20, 2012 5:12:58 pm 
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6th - Brenda

Brenda. I held a grudge against you in this game for making me the scape goat. I did. But coming in, we hit it off pretty well. And when you told me later that you wanted to play this with me and Cat, I wasn't too surprised. But I already explained to you why I went the path I did so there's no need to recite it here. Anyways at merge we would always talk and express a want to work together. But basically, I was set on the 7 plan because I felt it was the best move for me and for us, so it wasn't a possibility. When that fell flat on its face, I figured you all would want to work with me once I was the last of my alliance. But that never happened because well, Lisi is still here :) You were a huge part of my game though because we did have a great relationship and to my advantage that kept me safe. I do owe a part of my game to you. There are reasons why I wasn't a target, and I'll get to more of them at the FTC, but one of them is because you wanted to work with me eventually so you kept me safe. And for that I do thank you.

Suggesting that the best I can do is 4th place though, that's like, literally something out of my book that I would do when drunk or stupid. I get that you were being honest and I do appreciate that though.

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