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Episode 13
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PostPosted: Mon Jul 09, 2012 10:32:56 pm 
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And we have a blindside.

Thoughts? Feelings?

Next move? Will the group from this round stick together?

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Re: Episode 13
PostPosted: Tue Jul 10, 2012 12:03:51 am 
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Joined: Sat Jun 16, 2012 8:59:26 pm
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Helen Glover wrote:
And we have a blindside.

Thoughts? Feelings?

Next move? Will the group from this round stick together?

As you are very much aware, things have taken...just a BIT of a turn. icon_razz

Yes, we're going to stick together. We're calling ourselves the KAsians (Katie + Asians).

Brenda proposed the alliance initially and I brushed it off as a desperate attempt at self-perservation on her part...but it makes sense for both of our parties. Katie and Yul seem to think so too. Frankly, I never did bond with Alina, Naonka, and Lisi. I did like Monica a lot but she had to serve as the martyr for tonight. I'm so glad we are in the majority now with Erinn as an outlier vote.

IN THEORY... this is how it SHOULD go down.
9th: Erinn
8th: Naonka
7th: Alina
6th: Brenda
5th: Catalie
4th: Yul
F3: Me, Katie, Lisi

Erinn is, obviously, an immunity threat and she has probably received another idol clue tonight. Brenda has told me in the past that she is KILLER at figuring out idols so we need to make her boot transgress smoothly.

Naonka is next to go by default. Then Alina. This seals the deal and establishes the KAsians (Plus Lisi) as the only driving force left in the game.

The next bit will by far be the trickiest. Brenda has to go at 6th. If she reaches the end I'm convinced she can convince a jury to vote for her. She'll pull the whole, "I was the mastermind, I pulled ALL the strings, I got Dan/Katie/Yul to join us to take out everyone else! I used them as a means to an end! Blah, blah, blah. Brenda is by far a larger threat than Catalie, so she goes next.

Now for 5th, it can go several ways. I'm leaning toward Catalie but it's arguable that Yul should leave at around the same point. I don't know how much convincing I'll need to get Katie or Lisi on board to boot him. I'm sure Catalie would comply, especially if I promise her F3. Eh... it would be more honorable to go with Yul to the end but since when has honor dictated this game?

Either way, I know in my heart I'd prefer a Lisi/Katie/Dan F3. Lisi sucks, nobody would ever vote for her. I do believe Katie would have difficulty articulating her stances and might stagger a bit in her FTC answers/speeches. This leaves me the winner by default. I know it won't be unanimous - Alina isn't fond of me and I don't think Naonka is anymore either. Hopefully Monica can live and forget <3

We'll just have to wait and see. I'm so happy this game has gotten exciting again.

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