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PostPosted: Thu Jul 19, 2012 10:06:50 pm 
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Hey guys, answer me this and I'll read it up when I arrive laters.

Simply describe each Juror and Finalist as best you can with a proverb, and we'll dole out points depending on how close you match to my own opinions.

A very simple task indeed, so let's also say you cannot use a proverb that has been used before by either of the other finalists.

kk, good luck icon_wub

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Re: FTC Pre-Q
PostPosted: Sat Jul 21, 2012 5:33:57 pm 
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Re: FTC Pre-Q
PostPosted: Sat Jul 21, 2012 6:26:50 pm 
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Potential openings;
-Regular congratulations.
-slate their games.
-pre-warn of bitter jurors.
-loyalty vs. seeing games from inside debate.

Potential Qs;
The me-me,me-me-me version-
What would have happened at F6 without the idol in play, Alina & Lisi? CatCat, what would have happened with no idol and no Erinn giving you immunity?
Too self-indulgent? icon_unsure

The flawed games version-
Alina what was your most strategical move?
CatCat what was your most emotional round? (or bravest move? idk..) Ooh, rank the boots by how much you enjoyed and were responsible for each.
Lisi, describe your social game.
Too similar to what other Jurors will be pushing? icon_uhoh


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Re: FTC Pre-Q
PostPosted: Sat Jul 21, 2012 10:41:43 pm 
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Hey bitches hey icon_wub

I would usually open this sorta thing with an all-round congratulations, but here - I'm sorry but there's just not much to congratulate Image I am taking a lot of stick in Ponderosa for making the move that caused such an awful F3 too, so it's only fair I give you as straight up a chance to redeem your games by asking you questions directly addressing what each of you need to cover to sway extra votes your own particular direction. Srsly now, these are what you need to cover if any of you want to win here. This not a question for my benefit, but for the jurors who are having trouble deciding who played the least shitty game.

Lisi icon_uhoh
Fair dues to you for finding not one, not two, not three, but four idols icon_excited On top of that, you played three outta four of those correctly, and selflessly too. So GJ on all of that. Buuuut, that and a pre-existing relationship with Yul seem to be all you have going for you.
I read elsewhere that you have been trying really hard to improve your social game, wtf happened here though? icon_laughing It was absolutely abysmal. icon_no Barring Yul, every 'ally' you have on the Jury was closer to someone else in this F3 alone. Strategically, I don't even know where to begin. Back on Seuua? Where you were lined up to be booted several times if not for the early overplaying of others? Even when on the outs, you were still never snapped up or even wanted by Refuge like the other outcasts. Maybe on NuSeuua/early merge, where you successfully aligned yourself with the wrong people, and became the direct cause of a strong seven turning on themselves and allowing a minority to get a foothold. Or was it late game perhaps, when you played yourself into the worst position of anyone, and picked up votes round after round.

So Lisi, take the idols out of the equation for me for a minute, and explain to me where else exactly in the game you shone? It doesn't even need to be exceptional play, just point out to us where you were even middling to decent? Use examples. What was Plan B?, because socially/strategically/challenge-wise, you just don't seem to have had anything else on at all.

Whorlina icon_wink
I have a theory about 'loyalty' votes from Jurors. It goes along the lines that it's not that people are particularly loyal or thankful that you were together in-game, it's just that they got to see your game better than the other's while they were still playing, and therefore know more about the strategical/emotional high-points, and are more inclined to vote for you. But over here in Ponderosa, nobody - allies or enemy alike - seem to have a clue what you did all game. icon_confused So I hope you aren't relying on those votes too hard.

We talked a few times about how you felt you would do anything to get a win. So first off tell me, what did you ever actually do? Specifically I am looking for something heinous & underhanded here, but any 'move' that you can say was directly your doing will suffice I guess.

All I can see of your game is that you were the least threatening player here. I will go so far as to say if I personally didn't have a soft spot for you, you would have been booted long ago rather than being demoted to eternal back-up target. The worst part is, I have seen you play soooo much better. I have seen you own games and be taken out for being a massive ~tret~ to win. But here you are, a massive goat instead. So question two for you, is this the game you want to have that little number you covet refer to? Just how badly do you want, this icon_yucky to be your first? Yes it is Stranded All-Stars of a fashion, but wouldn't you rather have a win that you can legitimately say was hard-earned, or is this just about breaking your duck? Convince me that you are proud of how you played and that you still want this as badly as you stated before, because your actions don't match that desire.

CatCat icon_wub
My CatCat <3

*add more then trim the fuck out of it tomorrow
Where is the save draft thing gone from these boards? Or was that a hostie privilege I wonder??*

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Re: FTC Pre-Q
PostPosted: Sun Jul 22, 2012 2:12:35 pm 
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Hey bitches hey icon_wub

I would usually open this sorta thing with an all-round congratulations, but here - I'm sorry but there's just not much to congratulate Image I am taking a lot of stick in Ponderosa for making the move that caused such an awful F3 too, so it's only fair I give you as straight up a chance to redeem your games by asking you questions directly addressing what each of you need to cover to sway extra votes your own particular direction. NGL, Cat prolly has my vote unless one of the other two of you can wow me. So these are what you need to cover if any of you want to win here. This not a question for my benefit, but for all the jurors who are having trouble deciding who played the least shitty game.

Lisi icon_uhoh
Fair dues to you for finding not one, not two, not three, but four idols icon_excited On top of that, you played three outta four of those correctly, and selflessly too. So GJ on all of that. Buuuut, that and a pre-existing relationship with Yul seem to be all you have going for you.
I read elsewhere that you have been trying really hard to improve your social game, wtf happened here though? icon_laughing It was absolutely abysmal. icon_no Barring Yul, every 'ally' you have on the Jury was closer to someone else in this F3 alone. Strategically, I don't even know where to begin. Back on Seuua? Where you were lined up to be booted several times if not for the early overplaying of others? Even when on the outs, you were still never snapped up or even wanted by Refuge like the other outcasts. Maybe on NuSeuua/early merge, where you successfully aligned yourself with the wrong people, and became the direct cause of a strong seven turning on themselves and allowing a minority to get a foothold. Or was it late game perhaps, when you played yourself into the worst position of anyone, and picked up votes round after round.

So Lisi, take the idols out of the equation for me for a minute, and explain to me where else exactly in the game you shone? It doesn't even need to be exceptional play, just point out to us where you were even middling to decent? Use examples. What was Plan B?, because socially/strategically/challenge-wise, you just don't seem to have had anything else on at all.

Whorlina icon_wink
I have a theory about 'loyalty' votes from Jurors. It goes along the lines that it's not that people are particularly loyal or thankful that you were together in-game, it's just that they got to see your game better than the other's while they were still playing, and therefore know more about the strategical/emotional high-points, and are more inclined to vote for you. But over here in Ponderosa, nobody - allies or enemy alike - seem to have a clue what you did all game. icon_confused So I hope you aren't relying on those votes too hard.

We talked a few times about how you felt you would do anything to get a win. So first off tell me, what did you ever actually do? Specifically I am looking for something heinous & underhanded here, but any 'move' that you can say was directly your doing will suffice I guess.

All I can see of your game is that you were the least threatening player here. I will go so far as to say if I personally didn't have a soft spot for you, you would have been booted long ago rather than being demoted to eternal back-up target. The worst part is, I have seen you play soooo much better. I have seen you own games and be taken out for being a massive ~tret~ to win. But here you are, a massive goat instead. So question two for you, is this the game you want to have that little number you covet refer to? Just how badly do you want, this icon_yucky to be your first? Yes it is Stranded All-Stars of a fashion, but wouldn't you rather have a win that you can legitimately say was hard-earned, or is this just about breaking your duck? Convince me that you are proud of how you played and that you still want this as badly as you stated before, because your in-game actions don't match that desire. I've seen nothing here but passive play.

Catalie icon_wub

My CatCat <3
When I saw you were in the cast, I was worried that I'd soon find out we weren't as close as I thought, but from the minute you picked me first I knew we were gonna be tight as nun's knickers all game long. I love too that we completely flaunted 'us' as a pair. Survivor logic says we ought to have hidden that shit, for fear of being targeted to be split up - but we turned that on it's head, and made getting in with both of us seem more desirable than logic icon_laughing I loved how we could talk shit out, and cover different approaches, and double-feed info. I loved how we successfully played ourselves out of a minority position. Best of all, I love that people just rolled over & let us icon_chaos

Now I've gifted you a few things in this game, bullying Cristina into pulling you from Seuua, introducing you to the amazingness of Paloma, bamboozling the majority plan to boot you into a forced Sekou chop, convincing Erinn you needed her immunity too, fulfilling an old promise and actually making myself your meatshield this go-around & gifting you these two goats to sit between. You have ~clearly~ played the better game strategically than either, but your social game is letting you down at the last hurdle. :/ Of course all these things benefited me too, because keeping you alive helped me - but now that I can't win anymore, understand this here this is purely because ily. You need to know this if you want to win. So don't pshaw me off damnit icon_mad

So here is my final gift to you. We have argued a few times this game (mere lover's tiffs I'm sure - the angry make-up sex made it worth the while icon_kiss) but trust me one more time on this one. This Jury does not want to vote for anyone here - now those two will be hard pressed to suddenly pull good convincing reasons outta their asses - but you still have time to fix your fault.
You came across as faker than faux fur (and still are) for your "oh I'm so sorry about this" *chop* "I really don't want to do this one" *chop* reactions. Is it to try keep Jurors sweet? idk, only you do for sure. We had this kinda talk at F6 when I wanted to be straight up with people, while you wanted to try work our way in again. If not for that idol, and I was sitting beside you now - you can be damn sure I'd have a hell of a lot more respect earned & votes in the bag for being up-front about my calculated ruthlessness. (in fact I *might* have allowed you to continue doing it during the game, for an upper hand over you at this point icon_shifty ) I wouldn't mind, but you made this exact same blunder on your last F3 and people hated on you for it. Jurors aren't even voting for them - they are voting against you right now.

So here's what you gotta do;
-if you are being legitimately remorseful, you need to find some way to sound more genuine.
-if you are just putting on a show, and trying to win a few votes by pretending to be remorseful - well stop it, because it's having the opposite effect. Own your moves instead and you'll have more chance of winning these schmoes over.

Make this true to them one way or the other;
There is nothing see-through about me, I am someone who stands in your face and is so bright and shines so big, you're either intimidated, annoyed, or in love.

I'll hit you up with a practice go at this by answering this for me in the rare case that Lisi or Alina actually suddenly become convincing to me. Tell me how true this is;
Catalie wrote:
Sorry Brenda, I will miss you, And Sorry I didn't reply to any of your PMs before the shut off. I was probably voting you if I wasn't immune. lol ily <3 Take it easy.

If you can pull that off, this one for the rest of the Jurors will be a piece of cake. Rank down all the Juror boots from most favourite to least. Add a few lines to each, to indicate how deliciously evil/heartfucked you personally felt about it. How responsible you were or weren't for the vote that night etc. etc. Anything relevant to what I'm talking about above.


kk bitches. That's 'all' I've got for you. icon_chaos

Don't think you need to answer with a wall of text just because I did - all I really want is the bold bits addressed. Everything else is just general relevant pointers for all y'all. Any of you can win this right now if you just heed the shit I've written out.

Good luck. Y'all need it icon_wink

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Re: FTC Pre-Q
PostPosted: Sun Jul 22, 2012 2:21:21 pm 
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This needs a srs trimming. But first I need to cook some.

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Re: FTC Pre-Q
PostPosted: Sun Jul 22, 2012 5:52:19 pm 
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Hey bitches hey icon_wub

Let me preface this by saying I'm like, 60% certain I'm gonna vote CatCat here, unless one of you two others can wow me with some well-hidden strategical or social game that I don't yet know about. icon_huh Understand though, that this is not a 'loyalty' vote. I just think it's pretty clear she played a helluva better game than either of you.

I have a theory about 'loyalty voters'. I don't think it's about loyalty at all. I think a 'loyal' voter is just voting that way, because they've seen their close allies games more clearly than people they weren't so close to. I know that's how I go. I've seen very little of either of your games, so consequently, I have to default to Cat unless you can give me a better reason.

So Whorelina icon_wink , going by that theory, and bearing in mind you told me in game you reckoned you had all of Paloma/Nay/Monya's votes on lock, why are none of them here telling me about your game? Is it just cos there's nothing to tell? Over here in Ponderosa, nobody - allies or enemy alike - seem to have a clue what you did all game. icon_confused So I hope you aren't relying on those votes too hard. :/

We talked a few times about how you felt you would do anything to get a win. So first off tell me, what did you ever actually do? Specifically I am looking for something you can claim as specifically your own idea & execution, but any successful 'move' that you were at least a part of will suffice I guess.

All I can see of your game is that you were the least threatening player here. I will go so far as to say if I personally didn't have a soft spot for you, you would have been booted long ago rather than being demoted to eternal back-up target. The worst part is, I have seen you play soooo much better. I have seen you own games and be taken out for being a massive ~tret~ to win. Instead here, people were pushing your name hard just for being a whiny bitch icon_lol Instead of getting to the end under your own steam, you've played a massive goat game instead, and I just can't respect that sort of game at all. So question two for you, is this the game you want to have that little number 1 you covet to refer to? Just how badly do you want, this icon_yucky to be your first? Yes it is Stranded All-Stars of a fashion, but wouldn't you rather have a win that you can legitimately say was hard-earned, or is this just about breaking your duck? Convince me that you are proud of how you played and that you still want this as badly as you stated before. Point me to where you did stuff in-game to demonstrate that desire, because your in-game actions don't match up. Even intentional UTR play would even be something, but I've seen nothing here but passive play. :/

Lisi icon_uhoh
You get little more credit than Alina, because you were at least somewhat aggressive and pro-active, ad maybe had a little of that intentional UTR play I mentioned? Fair dues to you for finding not one, not two, not three, but fucking four idols icon_excited On top of that, you played three outta four of those correctly, selflessly and took risks with them to improve your position and get you here. So GJ on all of that.
Buuuut, that and a pre-existing relationship with Yul seem to be all you have going for you all game long. They are literally all I can think of to compliment you about. Whatever woulda happened if even one of those four idols was found by someone before you?

I read elsewhere that you have been trying really hard to improve your social game, wtf happened here? icon_laughing It was absolutely abysmal. icon_no Barring Yul, every 'ally' you have on the Jury was closer to someone else in this F3 alone.

Strategically, I don't even know where to begin. Back on Seuua? Where you were lined up to be booted several times if not for the early overplaying of others? Even when on the outs, you were still never snapped up or even wanted by Refuge like the other outcasts. Maybe on NuSeuua/early merge, where you successfully aligned yourself with the wrong people, and became the direct cause of a seven-strong majority turning on themselves and allowing a three-person minority to get a foothold.
Seven fucking three, who lets that happen?! Who causes that?! icon_eek Like all it needed was just a little reassurance in Yul's direction that noo, you weren't siding with Monya/Nay/Alina and you coulda pagonged the hell out of us right until you had your choice at seven which way to go (plus 48 idols to make sure you got there :P )

Or was it late game perhaps, when you played yourself into the worst position of anyone left, and picked up votes round after round.

So Lisi, take the idols out of the equation for me for a minute, and explain to me where else exactly in the game you shone? It doesn't even need to be exceptional play, just point out to us where you were even middling to decent? Use examples. What was Plan B?, because socially/strategically/challenge-wise, you just don't seem to have had anything else on at all.

Catalie icon_wub

My CatCat <3
I had a soppy insert here about how much I loved playing with you again but you already know that and if you really want to read it you can check out the first draught of this in my Journal. What I have to say here is too important to pad out.

You have ~clearly~ played the better game strategically than either, anyone with eyes can see that, but your social game is letting you down at the last hurdle. I just might be the only one here basing my vote on strategy. :/ You do deserve to win here, but you won't unless you address the following.

You came across as faker than faux fur (and still are) for your "oh I'm so sorry about this" *chop* "I really don't want to do this one" *chop* reactions. Is it to try keep Jurors sweet? idk, only you do for sure. We had this kinda talk at F6 when I wanted to be straight up with people, while you wanted to try work our way in again. If not for that idol, and I was sitting beside you now - you can be damn sure I'd have a hell of a lot more respect earned & votes in the bag for being up-front about my calculated ruthlessness. (in fact I *might* have allowed you to continue doing it during the game, for an upper hand over you at this point icon_shifty ) I wouldn't mind, but you made this exact same blunder on your last F3 and people hated on you for it.

Understand that right now, Jurors aren't even voting for them - they are voting against you - particularly how each & every vote you made, you followed up with - ew that was the hardest one. They can't all be the hardest ones!! icon_confused

We have argued a few times this game (mere lover's tiffs I'm sure) but trust me one more time on this one. There is still time for you to fix this, but they are shit outta time to suddenly start playing strategically. ily and you need to do this or you will lose.

So here's what you gotta do;
-if you are being legitimately remorseful, you need to find some way to sound more genuine.
-if you are just putting on a show, and trying to win a few votes by pretending to be remorseful - well stop it, because it's having the opposite effect. Own your moves instead and you'll have more chance of winning these schmoes over.

Make this true to them one way or the other;
There is nothing see-through about me, I am someone who stands in your face and is so bright and shines so big, you're either intimidated, annoyed, or in love.

I'll hit you up with a practice go at this by answering this for me in the rare case that Lisi or Alina actually suddenly become convincing to me. Tell me how true this is;
Catalie wrote:
Sorry Brenda, I will miss you, And Sorry I didn't reply to any of your PMs before the shut off. I was probably voting you if I wasn't immune. lol ily <3 Take it easy.

If you can pull that off, this one for the rest of the Jurors will be a piece of cake. Rank down all the Juror boots from most favourite to least. Add a few lines to each, to indicate how deliciously evil/heartfucked you personally felt about it. How responsible you were or weren't for the vote that night etc. etc. Anything relevant to what I'm talking about above.


kk bitches. That's 'all' I've got for you. icon_chaos

Don't think you need to answer with a wall of text just because I did - all I really want is the bold bits addressed. Everything else is just general relevant pointers for all y'all. Any one of the three of you can win this right now if you just heed the shit I've written out.

Good luck. Y'all need it icon_wink

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Re: FTC Pre-Q
PostPosted: Sun Jul 22, 2012 5:52:47 pm 
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That'll do I guess.

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Re: FTC Pre-Q
PostPosted: Sun Jul 22, 2012 8:29:34 pm 
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World's worst editor right here.

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Re: FTC Pre-Q
PostPosted: Sun Jul 22, 2012 9:20:14 pm 
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Hey bitches hey icon_wub

Let me preface this by saying I'm like, 60% certain I'm gonna vote CatCat here, unless one of you two others can wow me with some well-hidden strategical or social game that I don't yet know about. icon_huh Understand though, that this is not a 'loyalty' vote. I just think it's pretty clear she played a helluva better strategical game than either of you.

I have a theory about 'loyalty voters'. I don't think it's about loyalty at all. I think a 'loyal' voter is just voting that way, because they've seen their close allies games more clearly than people they weren't so close to. I know that's how I go. I've seen very little of either of your games, so consequently, I have to default to Cat unless you can give me a better reason.

So Whorelina icon_wink , We talked a few times about how you felt you would do anything to get a win. All I can see of your game is that you were the least threatening player here. I will go so far as to say if I personally didn't have a soft spot for you, you would have been booted long ago rather than being demoted to eternal back-up target. The worst part is, I have seen you play soooo much better. I have seen you own games and be taken out for being a massive ~tret~ to win. Instead here, people were pushing your name hard just for being a whiny bitch icon_lol Instead of getting to the end under your own steam, you've played a massive goat game instead, and I just can't respect that sort of game at all.

So a question for you, is this the game you want to have that little number 1 you covet to refer to? Just how badly do you want, this icon_yucky to be your first? Yes it is Stranded All-Stars of a fashion, but wouldn't you rather have a win that you can legitimately say was hard-earned, or is this just about breaking your duck? Convince me that you are proud of how you played and that you still want this as badly as you stated before. Point out to me where you did stuff in-game that shows that desire, because for me, your in-game actions just don't match up. Even intentional UTR play would even be something, but I've seen nothing here but passive play. :/

Lisi icon_uhoh
You get little more credit than Alina, because you were at least somewhat aggressive and pro-active, and maybe had a little of that intentional UTR play I mentioned? Fair dues to you for finding not one, not two, not three, but fucking four idols icon_excited On top of that, you played three outta four of those correctly, selflessly and took risks with them to improve your position and get you here. So GJ on all of that.

Buuuut, that and a pre-existing relationship with Yul seem to be all you have going for you all game long. Those two things are literally all I can think of to compliment you about. I read elsewhere that you have been trying really hard to improve your social game, wtf happened here? icon_laughing It was absolutely abysmal. icon_no Barring Yul, every 'ally' you have on the Jury was closer to someone else in this F3 alone.

So Lisi, take the idols out of the equation for me for a minute, and explain to me where else exactly in the game you shone? It doesn't even need to be exceptional play, just point out to us where you were even middling to decent? Use examples. What was Plan B?, because socially/strategically/challenge-wise, you just don't seem to have had anything else on at all.

Catalie icon_wub

My CatCat <3
I had a soppy insert here about how much I loved playing with you again but you already know that and if you really want to read it you can check out the first draught of this in my Journal. This is more important right now. You have ~clearly~ played the better game strategically than either, anyone with eyes can see that, but your social game is letting you down at the last hurdle. Not everyone here is basing their vote on strategy. :/ You do deserve to win here, but you won't unless you address the following. Understand that right now, the Jurors aren't even voting you aren't voting for Lisi or Alina - they are voting against you.

You came across as faker than faux fur (and still are) for your "oh I'm so sorry about this" *chop* "I really don't want to do this one" *chop* reactions. Is it actually genuine or to try keep Jurors sweet? idk, only you do for sure. It's even irking me, and I *think* I know which ones are which. We had this kinda talk at F6 when I wanted to be straight up with people, while you wanted to try work our way in again. Kudos for making it work for you, but if not for that damn idol (icon_rolleyes), and I was sitting beside you now - you can be damn sure I'd have a hell of a lot more respect earned & votes in the bag for being up-front about my calculated ruthlessness. There is still time for you to fix this, but they are shit outta time to suddenly start playing strategically. ily and you need to do this or you will lose.

So here's what you gotta do;
-if you are being legitimately remorseful, you need to find some way to come across as more genuine.
-if you are just putting on a show, and trying to win a few votes by pretending to be remorseful - well stop it, because it's having the opposite effect. Own your moves instead and you'll have more chance of winning these schmoes over.

I'll hit you up with a practice go at this by answering this for me for the rare eventuality that Lisi or Alina actually suddenly become convincing to me. So tell me how true this is;
Catalie wrote:
Sorry Brenda, I will miss you, And Sorry I didn't reply to any of your PMs before the shut off. I was probably voting you if I wasn't immune. lol ily <3 Take it easy.

If you can pull that off, this one for the rest of the Jurors will be a piece of cake. Rank down all the Juror boots from most favourite to least. Add a few lines to each, to indicate how deliciously evil/heartfucked you personally felt about it. How responsible you were or weren't for the vote that night etc. etc. Anything relevant to what I'm talking about above.

And bear this in mind as you do;
There is nothing see-through about me, I am someone who stands in your face and is so bright and shines so big, you're either intimidated, annoyed, or in love.


kk bitches. That's 'all' I've got for you. icon_chaos

Don't think you need to answer with a wall of text just because I did - all I really want is the bold bits addressed. Everything else is just general relevant pointers for all y'all, and me enjoying the sound of my own voice.

Good luck. Y'all need it icon_wink Any one of the three of you can win or lose this right tonight.

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Re: FTC Pre-Q
PostPosted: Sun Jul 22, 2012 9:22:36 pm 
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Cat's game is not letting her down at the final hurdle anymore :D

Change of plan;


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Re: FTC Pre-Q
PostPosted: Sun Jul 22, 2012 9:37:07 pm 
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Hey bitches hey icon_wub

Lisi - What was Plan B? What happened if just one person had found any one idol before you. Because there was no fall-back plan :/ I would also point out than the bulk of the reason a tribe of three players could avoid a pagonging by seven(!) was down to you. One little bit of reassuring social play and that whole damn mess coulda been avoided.

Alina - is this the game you want to have that little number 1 you covet to refer to? Do you want it that badly, that you'd let this icon_yucky to be your first? Yes it is Stranded All-Stars of a fashion, but wouldn't you rather have a win that you can legitimately say was hard-earned?

Those questions are rhetorical btw. I don't need answers. But you two need to srsly ponder on them later on if you lose this. Especially with all those 'allies' on the Jury :/

CatCat <3, you write one helluva opening statement. If I wasn't already rewarding your superior (to these two, not to me :P ) strategical game, that emotional push just sealed the deal. Welling up IRL here.


Also congrats on saving all three of you from an epic wall of text FTC Q. You should read it later. Much heartfuckery was intended. icon_laughing

Good luck all three though. Don't any of you be fooled into thinking this is over yet. icon_uhoh

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Re: FTC Pre-Q
PostPosted: Sun Jul 22, 2012 10:21:52 pm 
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Joined: Sat Jun 16, 2012 8:57:23 pm
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Hey bitches hey icon_wub

Lisi - What was Plan B? What happened if just one person had found any one idol before you. Was there ever a fall-back plan :/ I would also point out than the bulk of the reason a tribe of three players could avoid a Pagonging by seven(!) was down to you, and people within your alliance's suspicions of you. One little bit of reassuring social play and that whole damn mess coulda been avoided. If you have all night to find idols, you certainly have time to send a multi-paragraph PM or two to your allies at the time.

Alina - is this the game you want to have that little number 1 you covet to refer to? Do you want it that badly, that you'd let this icon_yucky to be your first? Yes it is Stranded All-Stars of a fashion, but wouldn't you rather have a win that you can legitimately say was hard-earned?

Those questions are rhetorical btw. I don't need answers. But you two need to srsly ponder on them later on if you lose this. Especially with all those 'loyalty votes' on the Jury :/ We should chat later about my theory of how a loyalty vote is only really a strategy vote in disguise - from someone who has seen your strategical game really really closely. They don't particularly hold-up when the strategy can be summed up as "eternal back-up target". :/

And just to clarify;
With her not here, where do those 3 votes go? High probability to me.

I would most certainly have voted for Yul's strategic/social/challenge combo. Possibly over even Cat's - FTC depending.

My CatCat <3, you write one helluva opening statement. Welling up IRL here. Love it.


I loved how we could talk/argue shit out, and cover different approaches, and double-feed info. I loved that you would cede to my schemes sometimes and I would to yours others. I love how we completely flaunted 'us' as a pair. Survivor logic says we ought to have hidden that shit, for fear of being targeted to be split up - but we turned that on it's head, and made getting in with both of us seem more desirable than logic icon_laughing I loved finally following though on the promise to save your ass, but this time did it purely bu instinct at the Sekou boot. I loved being your meatshield at F6. I loved how we successfully played ourselves out of a minority position. Best of all, I love that people just rolled over & let us icon_chaos

ily <3 But that's not why you get my vote. You get my vote for playing the best out of this F3.

I am sorry if the other Jurors don't see or respect that but it's true. They need to know all the crazy unpredictable shit that went tits up was my work, and the calm cool collected successes of getting a minority from 7-3 right back up to 3-3 was you.

Also congrats on Cat saving all three of you from an epic wall of text FTC Q. You should read it later. Much heartfuckery was intended. icon_laughing

Good luck all three though. Don't any of you be fooled into thinking this is over yet. There are floating voters and anti establishment voters abound icon_uhoh

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