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Episode 13
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PostPosted: Mon Jul 09, 2012 10:32:29 pm 
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And we have a blindside.

Thoughts? Feelings?

Next move? Will the group from this round stick together?

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Re: Episode 13
PostPosted: Mon Jul 09, 2012 10:42:32 pm 
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It's a quarter to four, I'll add some here tomorrow once I haven't got to meet up with parents of teenage childer that I'm dragging across Europe.

This is a good set-up for a round or two at least. I will have to see what I can do about Katie's idol and the obvious 3>2 breakdown of this fivesome, but not quite yet.

Also, them wanting to boot Erinn is bound to be a delicate situation.

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Re: Episode 13
PostPosted: Mon Jul 09, 2012 10:49:26 pm 
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Brenda wrote:
I'll add some here tomorrow once I haven't got to meet up with parents of teenage childer that I'm dragging across Europe.

Does this relate to your profession? jw

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Re: Episode 13
PostPosted: Mon Jul 09, 2012 10:57:32 pm 
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Brenda (to Catalie/Erinn/NaOnka, AFTER TC) wrote:
Hold up, I still don't get the maths on this one. Us four vote Yul, and then what happens?

icon_lol Does this mean you don't have any plans that include NaOnka in the immediate future?

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Re: Episode 13
PostPosted: Mon Jul 09, 2012 11:03:56 pm 
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I am a Scout leader voluntarily. Well Ventures if you are familiar - the 15 - 17 yr old bracket. I wasn't around today because I had to meet the parents of the eight I am bringing to Holland end of the month.

Also Nay knows I like to kid & brag. She respects bitchiness, and will still vote for someone who outsmarted her, so it's an early ploy for her jury vote icon_wink because she is going there soon icon_shifty

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Re: Episode 13
PostPosted: Tue Jul 10, 2012 4:37:29 pm 
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Okay, all is quiet on the Eastern front, time for some deets on the future. But first, some fallen comrades on the first two jurors in case I'm out before I get a chance for these later in the game;


Ugh, damnit Palomé. You have probably figured out or heard by now that I knew from a lot earlier on that I knew they were trying to vote you out than when I actually told you. idek if I told you it was definitely you and not just hinted hard at it icon_sad

But you need to know that I did everything in my power to make sure it was not you. Making that idol, dropping as many hints as I could without being cray about it, pushing and pushing how much of a challenge threat Erinn is. I flat out refused to vote for you with OldSeuua, while assuring them I would cut Erinn in a heartbeat. I think if anything, it only made them more certain it needed to be you first icon_sad So they were smart enough to take you out. Ironically it was your closeness to Alina more than to us that did it. The two rounds before she was happy to push any of me/Cat/Erinn's names, but never yours. I even believe if she'd been here that night I'd done enough that they would have had no choice but to boot Erinn. But enough about the bad times, more about the good because you were fantastic here (again icon_wub )

You can read back through these Journals and see I was often torn between calling you or Cat my closer ally. But there is no doubt in my mind that you were playing the best game of all three of us. Had we entered the merge in the majority or even just straight up tied in numbers, you were F3 bound for sure, where I would have voted for you & campaigned hard on the Jury for you too icon_wink You've shed the inactive tag, been the surprise challenge beast for Chaang, kept as many people happy with you as possibly possible, been so loyal you allowed the Ian boot for the greater good of our alliance at the expense of hurting your individual game. idk if I could be so selfless <3

This is only the second part of our arc (I don't count Malaysia at all :P ). In Australia we went from uneasy allies to in cahoots to emotionally close. Here we went from close to joined at the hip. There will be a part three, and we will own the fuck out of bitches left, right and center.

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Re: Episode 13
PostPosted: Tue Jul 10, 2012 4:58:07 pm 
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Monya icon_laughing Oh dear this is gonna read slightly different.

Convincing Seuua last night that you were the biggest threat out of Alina & NaOnka is one of my proudest moments so far in this game. I only wish you hadda been here to squirm some.

I don't even know why the hate from me on you? I guess, when that 5some with Tyson & Corinne turned into a reality, I felt a little burned from a distance at all three of you, and confused too as why that was even a good idea for your games? (it was obvi a good move for Ty & Corinne :P ). But since then, Alina has been fairly straight with me about how it happened and why she did it. Nay too, or at least she had pre-warned me to some extent, but you just glossed over it like it was no big thing.

Shit like that is exactly why selling you hard as the biggest threat was not just a ploy but a legit fear. You get so close to everyone so damn easily, and you seem to be able to have everyone love you, while you can be so cold and blase about it. Another round or two and we would have had to play with you, and that would be next to impossible to have any sort of trust level back. Strategically we get to keep the divide between Alina & Yul/Daniel in. Nay too is polarising, while you are.. what's that phrase, a backround bitch icon_laughing I mean that as a compliment, but you will not be slinking past with your masterful social / UTR game to the end this time round. :P

Also tysm Erinn for winning immunity and allowing this sweet sweet boot icon_wub

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Re: Episode 13
PostPosted: Tue Jul 10, 2012 5:24:54 pm 
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Helen Glover wrote:
And we have a blindside. Thoughts? Feelings?

I am so happy that that worked last night. The absent players had me srsly second guessing the vote count. I'm fucking delighted for me first and foremost, a little bit smirky at Monica's come-uppance, but also happy that the game is getting mixed up a bit and snapped out of it's predictability.

Erinn winning immunity means this all came a round early, but also is a stroke of luck that puts us in a waaay better position than if it had have been held off until next round.

Helen Glover wrote:
Next move? Will the group from this round stick together?

Yes absolutely!


For tonight it will for sure icon_laughing Tonight NayNay should leave. On the outside chance that she blags immunity, then Alina. lolErinn will survive again :P

It is time to start thinking a little more individually, and a NaOnka boot plays more into my hands than Cat's. Nay has always been closer to Cat than I, while Alina is closer to me than her. Lisi too, I am making sure to get closer and closer to by the PM, without getting into game talk too hard. This is not some plan to screw Cat, just always needing to keep options open. Erinn I think is closer to CatCat, but she needs to stay far more than any of Alina/Nay/Lisi.

In a perfect world, Erinn, Cat & I will hook back up with whoever survives out of that trio at F7 and blindside Katie (and her idol?) and avoid getting locked into an F5 with three players who's best bet is to stay strong till the end. Although saying that, there is still arguments as to why Daniel shouldn't go to F3 with those two. I will start planting those seeds next round though.. not yet.

Let me just state for the record the reason Katie would be my F7 target - with Paloma out of the game, I think Katie is playing the best. Yes she has the luxury of numbers, but she worked hard for them so kudos.

So for now & tonight, keep the head down and boot whoever the hell Seuua want. It's irrelevant - so long as Erinn stays off their radar.

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Re: Episode 13
PostPosted: Tue Jul 10, 2012 9:54:58 pm 
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It is proving quite difficult to keep Erinn off their radar :/

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Re: Episode 13
PostPosted: Wed Jul 11, 2012 4:00:52 pm 
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Timing is everything.

This is important twice. Firstly last nights surprise gap day is perfect. It makes the lead up to the F7 boot the weekend leading to Sunday, rather than rushed tomorrow. All the more time to scheme. So long as some other people come on over the weekend :/

Secondly, Daniel has started talking to me about F3s and where I'd like to go with that. That conversation is like, waaaaay too early in the game to be happening. Not this round, not now when I'm trying to keep my head down and go with the flow.

He is either a) Genuine or b) trying to figure out why I would lock myself into an F5 where those three are obviously aligned.

Now don't get me wrong, if I had free choice of three from five, it would be Daniel along with myself and Catalie. But idk yet if that's something he'd be interested in (or able to be convinced of).

For now, I need to pooh-pooh the convo, and restart it in a few rounds time.

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Re: Episode 13
PostPosted: Wed Jul 11, 2012 4:02:09 pm 
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Also, since this is a meatier confessional, it needs one of these in;


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Re: Episode 13
PostPosted: Wed Jul 11, 2012 10:45:49 pm 
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ngl, that was pretty epic.

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Re: Episode 13
PostPosted: Wed Jul 11, 2012 10:46:12 pm 
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And probably totally my fault for spilling to Lisi :D

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