Fuck, this was supposed to be 7 Deadly Sins! Here is the short update cause I am exhausted after my trial shifts today
Well first of all, yesterday was a big life saver for me. From where I was on Seuua, I had a horrible position to being somewhere where I have a new breath of life, an second chance. I know that my behind would have been gone if I hadn’t been selected and what I predicted came true. With Natalie gone, another winner has lost the selection and I feel like I am one step closer to being the last one standing. This whole new tribe, I feel very confident about the people here but I also feel like it is a random mixture of people and it may not end well at all.
But on my old tribe, I was at the bottom and everyone made sure to let me know that. Often repeatedly, like beating me with the truth wasn’t enough. But at the end of the day, I got saved and I will now outlast some of those people who were judging and telling me my ass was going. Like the fact that I was going to leave mainly because of what I had done by being loyal would have sucked, so I am so happy I escaped that stigma. And now my original Madagascan ally Sekou is in the game, almost as a sign of replacing Parvati! When one door closes, another opens! I felt the worst about screwing him over last time, so I am glad that he has received a second chance to kick some major behind.
So while I was rescued, my choice to rescue people was a lot more clear cut for Chaang where there was an obvious majority. On my old tribe, who the hell was here and who was with who, I was lead in the dark but I saved the strongest choice. I really wish I could have saved Erinn but she may be selected anyway in the future if the tribe doesn’t fracture. Also, what is up with this twist hey? Everyone was predicting an 6/6/6 but that isn’t happening. Everything is so confusing! I wish I had more time this week to get myself more intergrated but I passed a pretty big milestone in my life this week and its really knocked me for six to actually celebrate something. It’s been a hard few months but I am delighted with how things have been going. Hopefully my good luck will carry on!