To be honest, I kinda feel the same in refuge as I did within my old tribe. Sure, people are treating me nicer, but they all are together longer.
Catalie says she wants to work together because she thinks she has little allies left in the game. Puh-lease, the moment I started digging deeper, you said you and Brenda are close, you still have loyalty left in Coach and Erinn, and even you are willing to still work with Nay and Alina. And that's not even speaking about my old tribe. I trust her as far as she continues to talk to me, but I'm not dumb. I know how she plays, and she seems to have forgotten that I saw right through her shit in CBB3 too.
I like Brenda, but I know she doesn't need me. At this moment, I consider her the most powerful player in this game because she has by far the most connections, and the least burned bridges. I'll treat her nice, but if I see any opportunity to take her out, I won't hesitate to keep her.
Paloma and I just agreed to look out for each other, but her mentioning liking Brenda makes me believe I really can't trust her either.
I have not spoken to Sekou and Cristina yet.
The alliance I am/was involved with in Seua is on the down low. I'm trashing everyone from my old tribe to keep it hidden, and I think it's working. But it doesn't change the fact that I'm still loyal to Katie, Ian and Yul. But I'm not telling anyone about it.
Chaang is interesting. I spoke with Alina, but I don't trust her with information, to be honest. I did open up to Nay and pretty much dished out my ideas and intent to take her with me if her tribe wins. I know people like Cat and Brenda want me to take Erinn, but it only weakens my position in the refuge. Same with Coach. I'm not planning to be on the bottom anymore. I pretty much told Nay that they want me to take Erinn, and Nay is thinking about turning the tables again to weaken Cat/Brenda by voting out Erinn if they lose. I kinda like it, because someone like Monica could still be useful to me, since we did play together.
That's it so far.