Helen Glover wrote:
Who do you want to head to the endgame with for a strong shot at winning? Who do you need to work with this round to get there?
How do your relationships with Alina, Lisi, and Yul vary at this point? Who would you stand the best chance of having a truthful conversation or coalition with?
Me, Cat, Erinn, it's just gotta be.
The trouble is everyone knows it. So I'm gonna be upfront about it with Alina & Lisi and see what that brings. Say, look, you two can vote Yul with us here, and avoid a tie. Or y'all can risk a tie and rocks and the rest of it. Yes it gets you into an F5 minority. But one of you makes F4 for sure. The one that doesn't, is another voter alongside Nay & Monica for the one that did. Once at F4 you have every chance at winning immunity and the whole game.
Only um, less bluntly than that. But that is the gist.
Their other option is to force the tie. Risk rocks. I will win immunity again so idgaf :D