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Re: Day 35 - Final Tribal Council.
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PostPosted: Sun Jul 22, 2012 9:41:11 pm 
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Paloma wrote:
First off, congratulations to the three of you. Regardless of how you got there, whether you were brought as a goat, lied your way to get there or dished out idols left and right, no one deserves this more than you three.

I was going to vote for Yul, but know you made things harder for me.

Cat, I like you. I still want to like you. But I heard that you've lied your way to the end. And I'm not sure now if you were honest with me. To be honest, when I was voted out, that's when I felt most alone. I felt that you and Brenda knew it was coming and you just distanced yourself from me. Abandoned me. And made side deals without me. I just thought we were in this together. But I know now you had other plans. It's alright. I just would like you to know that I felt alone.

Alina, you made a promise to take care of me. At least give me a round or two. I knew that saving me was a longshot. But you have no idea how devastating it was to be voted out without you there. You were my only lifeline. All I needed was one chance, and I felt like you denied me that.

Lisi, I barely know you. But congrats on playing the idols. Some people may have no respect for that, but I always think that you have to do whatever you have to do to survive everyone. And you did that.

When I left the game, I think that's when the real hardcore playing happened. Too bad I wasn't a part of it. That's my biggest regret.

My vote is up for grabs. But I need to understand your gameplay.

So in ten steps, enumerate how you got to the finals. Beginning from DAY 1 to now. Thank you and good luck.


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Re: Day 35 - Final Tribal Council.
PostPosted: Sun Jul 22, 2012 9:41:40 pm 
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Catalie wrote:
If I was the final juror in a Final 2 of Alina vs. Lisi, I would vote for Alina hands down. Lisi played this game by finding HIIs and then getting lucky enough to use them at the right times.

I didn't get lucky though. I knew who the votes were going to. That's why I played the idols on certain people. I made sure I had an avenue (mostly Yul), who would inform me of who was being voted for.

Also, how did Alina play better than me? If it wasn't for me playing idols, she wouldn't be sitting here today. She relied on idols just as much as me, it's just I was the one playing them and she just benefited from that.

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Re: Day 35 - Final Tribal Council.
PostPosted: Sun Jul 22, 2012 9:42:39 pm 
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Katie wrote:
Lisi wrote:

To address your points first. Yes my social game may have been lacking, but this was due to the fact that I have a full time job and am actually sitting at work while you are all online (including right now). Not to mention that I’m from Australia so I live in a completely different timezone. I knew this coming in, so I had to adjust my game accordingly. To make up for my lack of a social game, I knew I had to make some moves, and the best way to do that was with idols. I used the time where I was actually at home (while you guys were all asleep) to find the idols.

To your questions:
1. I think it would depend on how the F3 vote played out. Honestly, I think Cat’s very lucky to be sitting here. She’s only here due to an immunity win and being less of a threat than Brenda and Erinn (physically). If Alina manufactured a move to get herself to the end at the F3, then I would reward that.

2. Firstly, I’m not gonna hide behind my idol play. As much as some of you may hate idols, they’re as much a part of the game as alliances, challenge wins etc. If that’s a strategy that gets me to the end, then what’s wrong with that? I mean, Cat wouldn’t be sitting here today if it wasn’t for winning the last challenge. And Alina wouldn’t be sitting here if it wasn’t for me playing the idols.

But anyway, as for my best moves in the game minus idols. My first would be in the opening days of the game when myself and Yul were able to ensure that Parv and Cristina didn’t take control of the tribe. That first vote really set the tone of the game.

My second move was to position myself in a final 5 situation with Yul and Alina, two people who I knew weren’t going to vote me off. This meant that in the final 5, I had put myself in the best position of anyone to make it to the end. In final 4, there was no way that I was being voted off. Cat needed an immunity win. Alina and Yul needed me and you to vote with them. I didn’t need anything.

Thanks, Lisi. I highlighted why I probably wont vote for you tonight. Basically, one of your best strategic moves in THE GAME was Catalie bad strategic move.

Playing 4 Idols in 3 rounds is a pretty amazing feat though. Good luck.

Sorry i don't get what strategic move of Cat you're referring to?

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Re: Day 35 - Final Tribal Council.
PostPosted: Sun Jul 22, 2012 9:44:28 pm 
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Catalie wrote:
Hey Katie, I first just want to address my guilt thing you mentioned. I know you don't know me very well outside of hosting you and then playing with you in this series. But my guilt thing wasn't me not owning up to things entirely. I was truly not wanting to make that move on Lisi that night and wanted to vote for Alina and not Erinn. My opener explains the situation there. That said, I am an emotional person and I get attached to people in these things. I geniunely hate having to make decisions that fuck people over who I am working with and love in the game. That isn't a ploy or an an act. I felt awful about every single vote I cast in this game save for Monica's. I know it's hard to grasp how I am, but that's just the truth.

The question for ALL three of you is:
In a final twist, it is revealed that it is a F2, instead of a F3, and you become the last member of the jury. Who would you vote for and why?

If I was the final juror in a Final 2 of Alina vs. Lisi, I would vote for Alina hands down. Lisi played this game by finding HIIs and then getting lucky enough to use them at the right times. Her social games was atrocious. Even when I would send her a paragraph, she'd send me 3 words. I never fully trusted her and didn't really like her that much in this game. I tried voting her out 2-3 times. Alina on the other hand, even with her annoyances, she trumps Lisi in every way possible..

Catalie: I would like you to explain your strategy on HOW you planned to get to the F3 from the time I was voted off until the last tribal council. Basically clue me in on your endgame stategy from the moment I left, until the moment Yul left.

After you left, I knew I had to seperate myself from Brenda to get to the end, but at the same time stick with her the next round too. Which is why I tied the vote at F6. If that worked, Brenda, Erinn and I would be final 3. If it didn't, I knew I had to keep and foster my realtionships with Yul and Alina and I did that. Even after I voted him, I was still playing with Yul, and Alina and I already had a deal to stick together. I laid this out in my opener, but basically I made sure that people thought they needed me and that I wasn't a threat to them. Granted, I know that Erinn left over me because of challengeprowess, but once she was out, I knew that winning immunity was my only true shot at getting to the end, so I stayed up all night and did that. And that is how I got here.

I used my social games and connections every time. I think it worked the best for me.

I hope that answers your questions, Katie. Thank you and I am sorry if I hurt you in this game, I never meant to.

that seems ALOT more difficult than riding the game out in the order we had set. You wouldnt have to have all the "what if" scenarios for everything to work out. Just sayin :p No hurt feelings, just confused in the logic of your gameplay late in the game. Lisi said it best when she said that she could believe that you and Brenda took me out, and basically handed her the numbers @ F6.

Anyways, congratulations. All three of you.

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Re: Day 35 - Final Tribal Council.
PostPosted: Sun Jul 22, 2012 9:44:53 pm 
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Alina, you made a promise to take care of me. At least give me a round or two. I knew that saving me was a longshot. But you have no idea how devastating it was to be voted out without you there. You were my only lifeline. All I needed was one chance, and I felt like you denied me that.

Paloma, I honlestl y think the biggest mistake for my allies on the jury is that they voted you out. I truly think that.

I was away when you were voted out. I was at my dad's visiting, I was away. When you were voted out, I legit cried. Not "OMG you're gone I'm gonna cry" no. Legit tears. You don't know ho wbad I felt. I was blindselfded on your vote, I really was Paloma

I am so so sorry you were voted out. I mean that. If I could have been there, well, I think I would have been lied to beacuse eveyone knew how much I loved you. Lol. But I would have tried to save you, aind I told eveyone that I wanted to save you

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Re: Day 35 - Final Tribal Council.
PostPosted: Sun Jul 22, 2012 9:45:29 pm 
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Lisi wrote:
Katie wrote:
Lisi wrote:

To address your points first. Yes my social game may have been lacking, but this was due to the fact that I have a full time job and am actually sitting at work while you are all online (including right now). Not to mention that I’m from Australia so I live in a completely different timezone. I knew this coming in, so I had to adjust my game accordingly. To make up for my lack of a social game, I knew I had to make some moves, and the best way to do that was with idols. I used the time where I was actually at home (while you guys were all asleep) to find the idols.

To your questions:
1. I think it would depend on how the F3 vote played out. Honestly, I think Cat’s very lucky to be sitting here. She’s only here due to an immunity win and being less of a threat than Brenda and Erinn (physically). If Alina manufactured a move to get herself to the end at the F3, then I would reward that.

2. Firstly, I’m not gonna hide behind my idol play. As much as some of you may hate idols, they’re as much a part of the game as alliances, challenge wins etc. If that’s a strategy that gets me to the end, then what’s wrong with that? I mean, Cat wouldn’t be sitting here today if it wasn’t for winning the last challenge. And Alina wouldn’t be sitting here if it wasn’t for me playing the idols.

But anyway, as for my best moves in the game minus idols. My first would be in the opening days of the game when myself and Yul were able to ensure that Parv and Cristina didn’t take control of the tribe. That first vote really set the tone of the game.

My second move was to position myself in a final 5 situation with Yul and Alina, two people who I knew weren’t going to vote me off. This meant that in the final 5, I had put myself in the best position of anyone to make it to the end. In final 4, there was no way that I was being voted off. Cat needed an immunity win. Alina and Yul needed me and you to vote with them. I didn’t need anything.

Thanks, Lisi. I highlighted why I probably wont vote for you tonight. Basically, one of your best strategic moves in THE GAME was Catalie bad strategic move.

Playing 4 Idols in 3 rounds is a pretty amazing feat though. Good luck.

Sorry i don't get what strategic move of Cat you're referring to?

Lack there of, basically. Just saying you were rewarded that Catalie made poor stategic moves late in the game. Especially taking out a solid ally, and handing you the numbers at F6 (you,Alina,yul)

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Re: Day 35 - Final Tribal Council.
PostPosted: Sun Jul 22, 2012 9:47:35 pm 
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Katie wrote:
Lack there of, basically. Just saying you were rewarded that Catalie made poor stategic moves late in the game. Especially taking out a solid ally, and handing you the numbers at F6 (you,Alina,yul)

I agree that Cat taking out you was a poor move. It gave me complete control of the F6. Yul then applauded Cat's move though tonight, so I'm getting mixed messages.

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Re: Day 35 - Final Tribal Council.
PostPosted: Sun Jul 22, 2012 9:48:02 pm 
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Alina wrote:
I mean...what did you want me to do, lie to your face? I wasn't gong to vote Lisi ever, and if Cat won immunity which she did, I vote you. I get that yo voted for me and I'm ok with that.

That's not what you said. You said you were thinking about voting for me regardless of who won immunity. Eventually you back-tracked when you realized I was obviously angry and could potentially swing the vote if I won immunity.

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Re: Day 35 - Final Tribal Council.
PostPosted: Sun Jul 22, 2012 9:49:38 pm 
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^ I have nothing to do with Yul applauding the move. I dont agree. I think it was strategically a poor move, and that she actually really lucked out by getting the the F3 after that. I mean, winning immunity isnt luck, I take that back. BUT, she put herself into a worse position where she had to rely on immunity.

THank you guys again

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Re: Day 35 - Final Tribal Council.
PostPosted: Sun Jul 22, 2012 9:49:44 pm 
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Yul wrote:
Alina wrote:
I mean...what did you want me to do, lie to your face? I wasn't gong to vote Lisi ever, and if Cat won immunity which she did, I vote you. I get that yo voted for me and I'm ok with that.

That's not what you said. You said you were thinking about voting for me regardless of who won immunity. Eventually you back-tracked when you realized I was obviously angry and could potentially swing the vote if I won immunity.

Not true. Maybe I said that unintentinally or miscommunicated, but I'm not dumb.

Cat here means she gets Erinn's vote, and maybe Brenda's.

With her not here, where do those 3 votes go? High probability to me.

I wasn't 100% voting you, but yes there was aprobability, and I would never vote Lisi out in this F4

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Re: Day 35 - Final Tribal Council.
PostPosted: Sun Jul 22, 2012 9:50:39 pm 
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Katie, if you read my opener, I mention that I knew I was taking a different route and that picking a side was going to fuck over what could have been easier for me. I know this. :/ I never denied that.

I didn't try to hand Lisi the numbers by the way, there was still a chance for Alina to work with us and people don't know this, but she was working with me. The night of Brenda's vote, we went into that knowing we were going to tie it and agreed to stay on our sides for the night. I didn't just throw myself into shit situation, but I understand how it looks that way. Plus, I didn't know that idol clues were being handed out like candy from the castoffs. If I even had an inkling of that, I would have played things way differently, trust me.

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Re: Day 35 - Final Tribal Council.
PostPosted: Sun Jul 22, 2012 9:50:54 pm 
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I 100% believed that Lisi would never vote me, Yul. I never viewed you as a swing vote because I knew I would never get more than 2 votes.

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Re: Day 35 - Final Tribal Council.
PostPosted: Sun Jul 22, 2012 9:51:58 pm 
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To Paloma:

Thanks for the question :)

My 10-step guide to making the final 3:

1. Strike up my connection with Yul
2. Position myself in the majority to get rid of Parvati
3. Creating an alliance with Alina, Nay and Monica.
4. Having enough connections that I was always fed idol clues without ever actually being given any directly myself.
5. Idoling out Daniel, who I felt Yul was most likely to take to the final 3 with him. He had told me that he wanted Katie out before final 3, so I saw Dan as more of a threat.
6. Staying away from the game for a weekend in an attempt to get the vote put on me.
7. Idoling Katie, who was the biggest threat in the game and would’ve won hands down in the final 3.
8. Idoling out Brenda, who was the 2nd biggest threat in the game and would’ve won hands down in the final 3.
9. Positioning myself in a final 5 with Yul and Alina, who I knew both had my backs. This meant that I was pretty much guaranteed final 3 at that point without having to win immunity.
10. Voting out Yul at F4. A very hard vote, but I think he would’ve won had he been here.

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Re: Day 35 - Final Tribal Council.
PostPosted: Sun Jul 22, 2012 9:52:57 pm 
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Jeff Probst wrote:
Paloma wrote:
First off, congratulations to the three of you. Regardless of how you got there, whether you were brought as a goat, lied your way to get there or dished out idols left and right, no one deserves this more than you three.

I was going to vote for Yul, but know you made things harder for me.

Cat, I like you. I still want to like you. But I heard that you've lied your way to the end. And I'm not sure now if you were honest with me. To be honest, when I was voted out, that's when I felt most alone. I felt that you and Brenda knew it was coming and you just distanced yourself from me. Abandoned me. And made side deals without me. I just thought we were in this together. But I know now you had other plans. It's alright. I just would like you to know that I felt alone.

Alina, you made a promise to take care of me. At least give me a round or two. I knew that saving me was a longshot. But you have no idea how devastating it was to be voted out without you there. You were my only lifeline. All I needed was one chance, and I felt like you denied me that.

Lisi, I barely know you. But congrats on playing the idols. Some people may have no respect for that, but I always think that you have to do whatever you have to do to survive everyone. And you did that.

When I left the game, I think that's when the real hardcore playing happened. Too bad I wasn't a part of it. That's my biggest regret.

My vote is up for grabs. But I need to understand your gameplay.

So in ten steps, enumerate how you got to the finals. Beginning from DAY 1 to now. Thank you and good luck.


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Re: Day 35 - Final Tribal Council.
PostPosted: Sun Jul 22, 2012 9:53:53 pm 
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Jeff i already answer

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