Hey Katie, I first just want to address my guilt thing you mentioned. I know you don't know me very well outside of hosting you and then playing with you in this series. But my guilt thing wasn't me not owning up to things entirely. I was truly not wanting to make that move on Lisi that night and wanted to vote for Alina and not Erinn. My opener explains the situation there. That said, I am an emotional person and I get attached to people in these things. I geniunely hate having to make decisions that fuck people over who I am working with and love in the game. That isn't a ploy or an an act. I felt awful about every single vote I cast in this game save for Monica's. I know it's hard to grasp how I am, but that's just the truth.
The question for ALL three of you is:
In a final twist, it is revealed that it is a F2, instead of a F3, and you become the last member of the jury. Who would you vote for and why?
If I was the final juror in a Final 2 of Alina vs. Lisi, I would vote for Alina hands down. Lisi played this game by finding HIIs and then getting lucky enough to use them at the right times. Her social games was atrocious. Even when I would send her a paragraph, she'd send me 3 words. I never fully trusted her and didn't really like her that much in this game. I tried voting her out 2-3 times. Alina on the other hand, even with her annoyances, she trumps Lisi in every way possible..
Catalie: I would like you to explain your strategy on HOW you planned to get to the F3 from the time I was voted off until the last tribal council. Basically clue me in on your endgame stategy from the moment I left, until the moment Yul left.
After you left, I knew I had to seperate myself from Brenda to get to the end, but at the same time stick with her the next round too. Which is why I tied the vote at F6. If that worked, Brenda, Erinn and I would be final 3. If it didn't, I knew I had to keep and foster my realtionships with Yul and Alina and I did that. Even after I voted him, I was still playing with Yul, and Alina and I already had a deal to stick together. I laid this out in my opener, but basically I made sure that people thought they needed me and that I wasn't a threat to them. Granted, I know that Erinn left over me because of challengeprowess, but once she was out, I knew that winning immunity was my only true shot at getting to the end, so I stayed up all night and did that. And that is how I got here.I used my social games and connections every time. I think it worked the best for me.
I hope that answers your questions, Katie. Thank you and I am sorry if I hurt you in this game, I never meant to.
that seems ALOT more difficult than riding the game out in the order we had set. You wouldnt have to have all the "what if" scenarios for everything to work out. Just sayin :p No hurt feelings, just confused in the logic of your gameplay late in the game. Lisi said it best when she said that she could believe that you and Brenda took me out, and basically handed her the numbers @ F6.
Anyways, congratulations. All three of you.